Board Members Present

Trishla Mansukhani

Ed Karl

William Uranga


Board Members Absent

Steve Lee

Peter Vogel


Merit Property Management, Inc.

Candice Mei

Janis Schock


Call To Order

William Uranga called the Meeting to order at 6:55 p.m.


Homeowner Forum and Committee Reports

There were no homeowners present to address the Board of Directors on issues and concerns about the community.


Water Conservation Program

At the September 8, 2004, Meeting, the Board requested that a representative from Dinsmore Landscaping attend the October 13th Meeting to discuss water conservation. The Board wanted to discuss water hitting the fences from the sprinklers. Gary Ponikvar and Jim Nicholson from Dinsmore Landscaping were in attendance. The Board stated that they were concerned about water conservation. Gary, from Dinsmore, stated a good way to save water was to use flags to stick into the ground whenever a sprinkler was broken; that way the landscaper would be alerted of the problem right away. Dinsmore fixes broken sprinkler heads within 24 hours after they are reported. Dinsmore said it was impossible to prevent water from hitting the fences. They have turned down some of the nozzles to decrease the water from hitting the fence. Dinsmore also stated they would research and find out if the recycled water could help them save on water bills. The Board reiterated the fact that they wanted water to be conserved and prevent runoff from occurring. The Board is trying to prevent any wasted water usage. Dinsmore also discussed that if any plant they had installed died due to negligence, they would replace it at no charge to the Association.


Request for Replacement of Tree

The request for replace of tree was tabled at the September 8, 2004, Meeting. A homeowner residing on Lenox Place requested a replacement of a tree that was removed several months ago. The homeowner stated that the tree disappeared and he does not know what the reason for the disappearance was. The homeowner submitted a written request for replace to Merit Property Management on June 23, 2004.


Motion:            Uranga

Seconded:             Mansukhani


Resolution: That Management contact the homeowner to let him know that there are two options:


a)      the Homeowner Association will have the stub of the tree removed;

b)      that a shrub can be put in place of where the tree once was.


Ayes:              Uranga, Mansukhani

Abstain:            Karl

Nays :             0


Pool Closing

Management discussed the pool closing process for Mission Park during the wintertime. UC Trash’s last day of service for the year. The Board asked that UC Trash come and service Mission Park for one last time after the pool closing. Management will contact UC Trash to come on Tuesday, October 19, 2004, to do the last cleaning. Cool Pools is closing down the heater on the pool, the spa, and also the wading pool on October 15, 2004. The Board discussed Bugbuster Spray and if they should stop the service during the wintertime months.


Motion:            Uranga

Second:            Karl


Resolution:            That the Board approves that Bugbuster Spray will be contacted by Management to not service the community during the wintertime months while the pool is closed.


Ayes:              All

Nays :             None


Merit Contract

Management was instructed to send an electronic copy to the Board for review before the contract could be signed. The new contract will become effective beginning January 1, 2005.


Budget Review

Mission Park’s fiscal year ends in December. At the August 11, 2004, Meeting, Management presented the Board with a first draft of the budget. Trishla Mansukhani’s revised 2005 Budget presented at the meeting accounted for various operating expense increases such as insurance, water, and street sweeping. The Board discussed the 2nd draft of the budget. Trishla presented the 3rd draft of the budget. Management presented the final copy of the budget and the Board discussed it.


Consent Calendar

That the following consent calendar items be approved as presented:


Motion:            Mansukhani

Second:            Uranga


A.                 Minutes


Resolution:            That the Board approve the Open Session Minutes of the Board Meeting dated August 11, 2004.


B.                 September 8, 2004, Minutes


Motion:            Mansukhani

Second:            Uranga


Resolution:            That the Board approve the Open Session Minutes of the Board Meeting dated September 8, 2004 as presented.


C.                 Financial Statements


Resolution:            That the Board approve the July 31, 2004, Financial Statement as presented, reflecting operating funds of $25,627.65 and reserve funds of $179,314.76 for total assets of $204,942.41.


D.                 August 31, 2004, Financial Statement


Resolution:            That the Board approve the August 31, 2004, Financial Statement as presented, reflecting operating funds of $4,474.22 and reserve funds of $185,010.27.


Ayes:  All

Nays:  None


Next Meeting

The next Mission Park Homeowners Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2004, at 6:00 p.m. at the Mission Park Clubhouse.



The Mission Park Homeowner Association Board of Directors adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Approved:                     ______________________________     Date: _______________________

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