Credits and Disclaimers


Cyber Teddy's Top 500 Website My Mickey Mouse character page was listed as a Top 500 People's Choice web site and recieved the CyberTeddy's Top 500 WebSite award. Thank you for enjoying my site.


Information on my site - Where did I get it?

Many of the Disney character quotes in my pages were taken from: 1993, John Grant's Encyclopedia of Walt Disney's Animated Characters.
The personal information is of course all mine.

Images on my site - Where did they come from?

All buttons, banners, collages, and titles were created by me using clip art from Clip Art Cds, and the Disney Clip Art Site, unless otherwise specified. All photographs on my site were taken by me.

Most of the clip art on my site was found on the Disney Clip Art Site and Clip Art Cds, unless otherwise specified. The large American flag was found on the US Flag Association site.


This site is in no way affiliated with or recognized by the Walt Disney Company. All characters mentioned or seen within this site are copyrighted and property of the Disney Company. All movies and thier characters are also property of the Disney Company. This site is done as a fan of Mickey Mouse, other Disney characters, and Disney movies. To contact the true owners of the characters represented on my site, please go to the Disney Site

Write Tammy the webmaster of Tammy's Little Place of Disney

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