<BGSOUND SRC="c:\windows\desktop\my music\That's life.wma" LOOP=INFINITE>
Photograph Album
Always the Bridesmaid Never the Blushing Bride
Eat your heart out Lilly Savage
The time New Years Eve 2000 and it's out for a
night at The Three Tuns and The Club in Hanley,
Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs, UK. This is one of the best
venues for the Gay scene and Saturday nights at
The Three Tuns with mine host Ruby is just great.
Then it's round to The Club, which opens, Ten
O'clock till Two, Three on the last Friday
and Saturday of each month.
There is always a welcome for CDs / TVs and TGs we ladies find a warm welcome, with no hassle, and a good time is had by all. 
But before we can go out, we being my wife and myself,
the transformation must take place.
Mix the Plaster of Paris and a liberal sprinkling
of cement to fill in the cracks, then it's on with
the Powder, Blusher and Eye Shadow. Then a
suitable shade of lipstick to give those pouting
lips, and the last thing on the list is the nails and
of course the wife is always there to assist
with the manicure and then varnished with
an appropriate colour to suit the dress.
Well that's it, a bridesmaid for the night, so it's in the car and away we go to dance the night away. The music in the club is all disco but the Trendz Bar is a nice quiet place in the club for a chat and a sit down to ease those aching feet.

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April Showers
And my Mummy says I'm going to be a proper
little Madam
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