Please Join Our Christmas Fanart Contest!!!



We are holding a  Christmas Koenma and Botan Fanart Contest!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fanart only, unlike last time. And please do join! Please? 

Winners would get a lovely award made by us which you could display in your hard drive or in your site, whichever you like. No cash award, sorry...Of course, we can't send some money to the winners because it would take such a LONG time for it to get to them...especially if they're not from the Philippines.        



The Rules

1.   If you wish to enter the contest, please e-mail us first to inform us that you're joining, or you can just sign our guestbook and tell us that you're joining. It's so we have an idea on how many are going to join.

2.    Since this IS a Christmas contest, we need art that has something to do with Christmas.

3.    And of course, since this IS a Koenma and Botan Shrine, we need art that has something about Koenma and Botan in it.  It * has*to be a drawing of both of them.  Get it?

4.   But lemon or hentai entries! It's Christmas! Let's be a little more wholesome, okay?

5.  To submit an entry, please e-mail it to us at [email protected]  and submit your entry as an attachment. Give us your name and e-mail, and wait for our reply. If we don't reply within a week, please re-mail your entry.

6.    Deadline of submission of entries is on Dec.23, 2001. But PLEASE if you can submit earlier, please do. We can't do everything in just two days!

7.   Winners would be posted on Dec.25, 2001.


That's all, folks! Thank you!

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