Dear Misty and Karina

Hi! Welcome to our hopefully regular section (Hello, readers! This is a subtle hint to you guys! WE NEED CONTRIBUTIONS!!!) for those in great distress. Are you feeling sad and lonely? Are you in great need of some advice? Do you want to lose weight? Well, we can help you with all of this (except for the weight problem because Misty herself is having trouble with this...^^;;), you be youkai or human, we can handle your problem! ^______^ Not only that, random Yu Yu Hakusho characters can also help you with your problem...well, if they're not busy fighting at least...

We currently have one letter here...although we hope to have more (hint, hint). So read Romantic Soldier's letter! (I guess by now you know who he is...)

Dear Misty and Karina,

Greetings, honourable webmistresses! I have written to you regarding a problem I've been having for the past 1000 years. Don't get me wrong, I'm not having an irresolvable crisis here. To tell the truth, I'm just an ordinary youko, with an ordinary life.

Take this morning, for example. It was the same as usual, really. There were three girls peering in my window when I woke up. I don't really concern myself with this. After all, they were there yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that...

When I opened the front door, there were people standing there. I thought they were hungry, so I tried to offer them food, but they just jumped right at me! I don't know what I did to make them so angry! Anyway, a man even knelt down in front of me, hugged my waist, and cried, "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE A MAN!!!!!!" This event, I express, does not happen to me everyday, but then, stranger things have happened.

When I got to school, my locker was crammed with letters. Many of them were written on scented stationery with little hearts scribbled all over them. Those letters do not bother me either, except for those addressed to "Ms. Minamino". I don't even bother reading those.

Anyway, my problem is, I would like to have a little privacy once in a while. After all, it seems to me that I am constantly surrounded by people. I would prefer a little solitude sometimes. How can I achieve this?

Romantic Soldier

Misty: Before we give some advice, how about we ask some other YYH characters for their advice? ^^

    Yusuke says:

And the problem is?

   Hiei says:


Kuwabara says:

Yukina, my dear!
Misty and Karina: Ehem....excuse us... (hissing) Kuwabara, give some decent advice, for crying out loud!
Kuwabara: Yukina, you are the apple of my apple pie!
Misty and Karina: *sigh*
Karina: Guess it's up to us then to give some decent advice. *sigh again*

*giggle giggle*
<Karina: Misty! Concentrate!!!!>
Um...anyway...*giggle* Okay, Romantic Soldier, you see, those people just admire you. Perhaps they like your soft, red locks and your cool green eyes, your handsome physique...
<Karina: MISTY!!!!!!!!!!>
Oh, sorry. Anyway, for them to leave you alone, you should get a girlfriend. know, so they'll give up on you, stop stalking you...
Your dream girl might just be around the corner, you could have met her somewhere, or maybe...SHE'S WRITING A LETTER TO YOU RIGHT NOW...who knows?

I guess the burden of giving good advice rests solely on me. As for my partner Misty here <looks at Misty who has collapsed on the floor>, it looks like she wouldn't be giving any advice for a while.
Anyway, I can't really think of anything short of physical mutilation <Misty is shocked> that would make these people stop being attracted to you. My advice is, if you want to have some privacy, you can always tell these people to leave you alone, in a polite way, of course. This may not be very effective, but hey, it's the best you can do that doesn't involve blood, gore, and spilled guts.
As for the "being mistaken for a girl" problem, have you ever tried cutting your hair?
<Misty: (gasps) Sacrilege!!!!!!!!! (throttles Karina)


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