By Seiyo



Chapter 10

The five silently watched as Akuma and her troops vanish far behind the dust. Koenma had tried to run after them but Kurama stopped him and slowly shook his head.

“Strange,” it was Hiei who broke the silence.

“What’s so strange about that?” Kuwabara faced him.

“I wasn’t talking about Akuma you idiot. I was talking about Botan,” Hiei shot back.

“What about her?” Koenma asked.

“It was her that I have been sensing all along. From the minute we have stepped here, someone was already following us,” Hiei explained, “Remember when we were in the clearing near the gateway? When Yusuke found the raccoon, it was Botan that I sensed.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Kurama questioned.

“I didn’t know that it was her. What I knew was that the presence is familiar to me,” Hiei looked at each of them, “There’s something else… something strange. She carried some kind of power with her and I could feel it getting stronger as time passes. I didn’t tell you because I was trying to figure out what was so familiar about the presence.”

“That is strange,” Yusuke voiced out, “Where did that power come from?”

“And why would Botan carry it?” Kuwabara added.

“Whatever power that was, it’s not our main concern right now. What we have to think about is how we could save Botan and stop Akuma. Once we’ve done that, then we can look deeper into this,” Kurama proposed.

Koenma let out a sigh, “This is all my fault.”

“Don’t blame your self Koenma,” Yusuke tried to comfort him, but Koenma just turned and walked away.

When he reached a stream not far away from where the others stayed, Koenma sat himself under a tree and watched the running water. In his mind, he kept on thinking of Botan. Why did you have to come here? None of these would have happened if you only stayed in Reikai and heeded my advice. Maybe it’s also my fault. He closed his eyes and leaned his head on the tree trunk. If I had agreed on you coming with us, then maybe you won’t sneak into this world and maybe we would have been able to protect you, and Akuma wouldn’t be able to take you away and use you against us. Koenma’s thoughts went back to that day when his heart had been laden with  the same fear and concern…  




“I’ll be heading to Ningenkai in a little while,” Koenma announced as he stamped the last document in his stack, took a folder from under his desk and stood up.

“Would you like me to take you there?” Botan, who was loitering in the prince’s office offered.

“No, you might be given more important errands,” Koenma quickly transformed to his adult form, “I have to go now, Bye!” he told her and hurriedly went out.

Botan was left alone the room and as she turned, she noticed the stack of documents that Koenma left on his desk.

“Oh well, I might as well do something while I’m here,” she uttered as she took a step towards the table to clear it up and put the documents on a shelf. She was about to get the pile of documents when the door suddenly opened, and Koenma’s head peeked in, “Botan, will you please tell George— WHAT HAPPENED HERE?!!”

Koenma’s sudden appearance startled Botan and made her lose her balance. She fell forward, nudging the table and sending all the documents that Koenma just signed to the floor.

“I’m sorry Koenma-sama, I was surprised by the sudden opening of the door and I tried to keep my balance, but I couldn’t so I fell forward and… well you know the rest.” Botan tried to explain but Koenma didn’t even look at her.

There was a grim expression on his face as he picked up the scattered papers. When Botan tried to help him, he told her in the coldest voice, “Tell George to come here.”

When Botan finally went out, Koenma let out a sigh. He instructed George on a few things and went on his way to Ningenkai.

It was way past sundown and drops of rain were toppling down from the skies when Koenma arrived from his business in the human world. He went straight to his room and flopped on the bed. I’m so tired…I’d better take a nap and transform later. He yawned and closed his eyes. For some time, he tossed and turned on his bed. Finally, giving up hope that he could possibly sleep, he sat up and thought to himself. I’ve done all that I have to do for today, so why do I feel like I’m missing something? He recounted all that he’s done in his head. I’ve gone to Ningenkai, signed all the documents, told George to arrange the scattered documents in the office…and Botan. Everything became clear to him as he recalled that morning’s events. I didn’t hear her greet me when I came back. He groaned and said to himself, “Of course she won’t be greeting you. You treated her so coldly when all she did was upset several measly documents. And it wasn’t even her fault.“ he got out of his room and started heading to hers, “I’ve got to apologize for treating her that way,” he mumbled to himself.

Koenma knocked on Botan’s door and waited a few seconds. When no one answered he tried calling her name… still nothing. He slowly opened her door and looked in but found no one inside the bedroom.

“She must be downstairs.”

He went to his office but found it already dark. Next, he tried the dining room. On his way, he bumped into George, so he asked him, “George have you seen Botan?”

“I didn’t notice her Koenma-sama,” George Saotome obediently replied.

“Will you look for her and meet me in the dining room once you’ve searched the palace,” Koenma told his assistant.

An hour passed, George came with a worried look on his face, ”Koenma-sama, I didn’t find Botan anywhere. I asked the others to look for her, but we found nothing.”

“Didn’t anyone talk to her or at least see her this afternoon?” Koenma questioned.

“Well… she did tell me that was going to take a walk to ease her nerves, but surely, she would have come back already…” George informed his master.

“What if she wasn’t able to?” he looked at George, “She might have lost track of time. And with this weather, she could easily get lost…” Koenma ran a hand through his hair, “Quick! Alert everyone! We have to find Botan. God knows what might have happened to her. We have to move fast, ”as he gave his orders, Koenma moved swiftly to the door and went out into the pouring rain without another word.

First he rounded the palace, shouting Botan’s name, hoping that she would hear her somehow. I must find her. Something wrong definitely occurred to her. He happened to cross a path near the garden when something struck him. Botan was going to take a walk. He turned around walked into the garden. Botan loves to walk in the woods… She must have gone in and with the heavy rains, lost her way. Koenma hurriedly ran to the path that he and Botan often took when going into the forest.

“BOTAAANN!!!,” he shouted into the darkness. The rain was pouring out heavily and he was drenched, but he didn’t mind. All he thought of was Botan. He could hear the others calling her name.

“Botaann! Where are you?!” he repeated his call, taking the path in front of him. He was about to shout once more when he heard a faint rustling up ahead, then a call.

“Help! I’m over here!” the voice was hoarse, nevertheless he recognized it. It’s her! Thank God… I just hope she’s okay. He quickly ran to the direction of the voice.

“Botan!” he raced to where she was lying on the soft ground.

“Koenma…” she uttered his name as he knelt beside her.

“Hush,” Koenma halted whatever she was to say, ”don’t speak, you’re still too weak.”

He ran a hand on her cheeks to wipe away her tears then lifted her in his arms and headed towards the palace entrance where they met George Saotome.

“George, call on one of the servants to dress her in dry clothes and order some food to be brought up to her room,” Koenma quickly ordered and then brought Botan to her room where she was laid down on her bed.

He sat down beside her and took her hand, “Everything will be all right now,”

When one of the palace servants came to change Botan’s clothes, he told her that he’ll be back in a while and headed to his room. It was just then that he noticed that he was soaked. I was so worried about Botan that I forgot about myself. It’s a good thing we found her, he thought as he got into a hot shower. When he had changed into dry clothes, he hurried back to Botan’s room who had just finished her meal.

Koenma sat himself beside Botan’s bed, “feeling better?” he started.

Botan gave her a faint smile and answered, “Yes, much better… thank you.”

For a little while no one spoke. Koenma just stared at Botan who reddened upon noticing and so, dropped her gaze on her lap. In Koenma’s mind he thought, I’m so glad that you’re safe, Botan. I wouldn’t know what I’d do if something bad happened to you. I care for you so much…

It was Koenma who broke the silence, “What happened?”

Botan looked at him dropped her head and began telling him what happened, “Well I took a walk in the forest to ease my nerves, and then I came to this tree. Since I was so tired I decided to rest under it. I didn’t realize that I had dozed off. When I woke up, the sun had already set and drops off rain was starting to fall so I started to walk out of the woods,” Botan hugged herself and closed her eyes as she recalled what happened to her, “but I can’t see where I was going because of the heavy rains. I just walked aimlessly around the forest. I had stopped under a tree. It was so cold… the trees looked evil to me… I didn’t know what to do… I was so scared. Then I saw this flash of light so I followed it I saw this crystal and when I looked up I was there in the path. Then you found me…” her voice trailed off as a single tear dropped from her eyes.

Koenma grasped her hand and comforted her, “Don’t worry, you’re safe now,”

“I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you today,” she looked into Koenma’s eyes.

“Sshh… I should be the one to say sorry for the way I treated you this morning,” Koenma whispered softly, “Now you have to take a rest. I’ll watch over you.”

He tucked Botan in and watched her as she closed her eyes. Holding her hand, Koenma stayed beside her bed until she finally fell asleep. He saw the crystal she clasped in her other hand. It’s beautiful Botan, just like you. He fixed his eyes on her for a little more while. Then he bent down and planted a kiss on her forehead. Sleep well… I love you…



“I love you Botan,” he whispered into the air. I’d never forgive myself if something bad happens to you this time. I swear I’ll get you from that wretched Akuma at all costs. Koenma thought, clenching his fist, when a shrill laugh startled him from his reveries. He hurried to the clearing where he left the others.

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