By Seiyo




It was a typical Sunday afternoon in Botan and Koenma’s house. They had the gang over to enjoy lunch with them. Koenma was hanging out in the garden with Kurama, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and of course, Hiei! Botan on the other hand was on the porch, enjoying a nice talk with Yukina, Shizuru and Keiko over tea.

Botan relaxed on her seat, listening to Keiko talk. She had woken with a backache this morning. 

Botan drew in a sharp breath, her hands resting on her abdomen as she felt the first contraction.

“Botan, are you alright?” Yukina asked.

“Don’t worry, everything’s fine,” she reassured Yukina with a smile, timing her contraction mentally as her doctor instructed.

She looked over at where Koenma was laughing heartily, probably to one of Yusuke’s jokes.

“Koenma,” Botan called softly.

Koenma turned a smiling face to her, his expression changing upon taking in her pale face. He dashed to her side, dropping down beside her chair.

“What is it sweetheart?” a concerned look was on his face. The others had followed him.

“I think…” she answered slowly, “the contractions have started.”

The color was flushed from Koenma’s face as he heard her words. He looked down to her tummy. As he did, Botan’s hand tightened on his arm as another contraction hit her.

“Botan!” Koenma took both of her hands.

After the contraction had passed, Koenma stood up, “My God! We have to go to the hospital.” He looked over his shoulder and ordered, “Yusuke, Kurama, please get the car ready.”

“We’ll get her things ready,” Yukina, Keiko and Shizuru offered.

Koenma nodded at them and turned to Botan, “I’m going to call your doctor,” he motioned at Kuwabara to come with him.

Hiei was the only one left at the porch as the others hurried to do their errands. He shook his head, as he looked at Botan who was left there in her seat, suffering from another contraction.

“Ningens are so stupid,” he muttered under his breath as he came to Botan’s aid.

A moment later, the van drove up the driveway. Everyone hurried in. Botan eyed Koenma as he strode to the waiting vehicle.

“Can I come too?” she asked.

He swung around instantly, “Botan! I’m so sorry!”

He swept her up in his arms and carried her gently to the van, holding her like a delicate piece of China.

When they drew up in front of the hospital, she giggled at Koenma's twisted expression. Anyone would think he was in labor! She thought in amusement.

Koenma carried her in his arms and, followed by their friends, marched into the hospital and didn’t stop until they reached the nurse’s desk.

“My wife is having a baby,” Koenma informed a nurse sternly, making Botan giggle once more.

The nurse ordered for a wheel chair, and Botan was brought into the maternity ward, Koenma at her side.

Their doctor met them there, and as Botan was wheeled into the labor room, convinced Koenma that he could not go with her.

“Unless, of course, you’re in labor too,” the doctor concluded, smiling.

Koenma was left with the others in the waiting room. He paced around and flinched every time he would hear Botan scream.

He had circled the room exactly five hundred and sixteen times when Botan’s doctor came out.

Koenma hurried to him, “Why is it taking so long? Is there something wrong?” he shot questions at the doctor worriedly.

“There’s nothing wrong. Botan’s very healthy,” the doctor assured him happily, taking in the number of people gathering behind Koenma, “You have a healthy baby boy.”

Koenma sighed with relief and behind him, Kurama, Yusuke, Keiko, Hiei, Yukina, Kuwabara and Shizuru exchanged happy smiles then faced Koenma.


“You may see them now,” the doctor told him.

Koenma stepped inside the room, sat beside Botan and gazed at their baby.

“He’s so cute,” Botan spoke first.

“He’s got your hair,” Koenma told her.

“And your eyes,” Botan replied.

“I’m so happy I couldn’t ask for anything for more,” Koenma looked into Botan’s eyes, “I have you and our child.” He kissed Botan’s lips and hugged her and their baby close to him. =)


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