The Angel of Death

by Melpomene


Chapter 7

Memories Revived


Sometime ago...

Enter Mushiyori metropolis. Zoom in middle class subdivision. Focus on average-sized house in normal-sized lawn. Well, everything in that place was normal---except for its inhabitants.

"Auntie Kore!" called a voice. "I ironed my pants the day before yesterday and now it's gone. Have you seen it?"

"Not since Adrian wore it." answered the lady.


Persephone shrugged helplessly. Why do these kids keep on fighting over clothes? Kids? She shouldn't be calling them that. After all, she herself was only ten years older than Ebony who's only two years younger than Adrian. She was only four years old when her sister Psyche got married. She was the baby of the family Doldrums.

Speaking of clothes, Persephone noticed her niece's guest was wearing queer ones. It was quite unladylike. Well, so were Ebony's. But not obscene, no not in the least. Just boyish. Alright, so Ebony was worse. She can pass for a boy had she wanted. And once she did when she and Adrian had a fight. She went home screaming for help and having hordes of females trailing her. Adrian just turned green with envy.

Kore offered Mukuro some refreshments of which she humbly declined. Kore noticed that her visitor carried herself in a very noble manner. She could have been some queen for all you know. Ah, but there was simplicity, too. Yes, unmistakably, regally simple. If there was such a thing.

Kore felt something. Was it suppressed power? Well, she wasn't Psyche's sister for nothing. She has got spiritual powers, too. And she knows her niece's guests aren't always that commonplace.

But she is pretty, thought Kore. Pretty? Not in the least. Beautiful is more suitable though not many would call her that. But attractive she sure is. Especially, the way she sits there like a statue in pensive silence, a mannequin carved from the best marble in such loving exquisite manner. However, drawing away those gorgeous red locks concealing her face might prove disappointing. I wonder, can Ebony cook up some potion to heal that? she thought. But red would prove inaccurate. Her hair is rather copper blond.

Kore brushed away from her own face a few stray strands of her copper-shaded medium length hair. The Doldrums are known for their red hair. She thought back on the days of her childhood. Vaguely she recalled playing with her darling sister, Psyche. Mukuro's thoughts were less pleasant, though.

Footsteps thumping down the stairs forced them to snap out of their reverie. Kore promptly looked up to her niece. Mukuro, however, still had that occupied expression lingering on her face.

Ebony raised her eyebrows when she saw her aunt staring at her. "What is it, Aunt Kore?"

"Are you having a fight with Adrian again?' Kore asked suspiciously.

"Maybe I'll have one later, after this big mess. Why are you asking?"

"Remember in your Prom? Adrian boasted he can have all the girls crawling over him before the clock strikes twelve."

"Yeah. And I got pissed off and said I could do it better and he dared me."


Ebony scrutinized herself. Really baggy hiphop shorts; very loose shirt; diesel high-cut leather shoes; hair ponytailed under a baseball cap; bangs combed loosely around her face; lunette-convertible glasses.

"Really Ebony that nose ring is too much." chided Kore disapprovingly.

"Aw, it's just a nose clip," begged Ebony. "Never mind, I'll take it off. But there's nothing wrong with my clothes, right Master Mukuro?"

"Uh... I guess so." came the hesitant reply.

"Suite yourself," Kore gave up with a shrug. "Don't come running here if hordes of female chase you."

"Oh, Auntie I had help from a love potion," Ebony chuckled quietly. "You are so like Aiea. I miss her suddenly."

"You too remind me of my sister. You're so like your mother."

Ebony became melancholic. "Yes," she murmured. "This is for her and father."

"What was that?"

"Uh, nothing. We have to go."

"By the way where is your brother?"

"He's probably flirting with some girls in Bermuda." No laughter here despite the crack.

"Something to do with Lethe?"

"Yeah. Sorry, I can't tell you. Come on now, Master."

"I thank your hospitality, Miss Persephone." said Mukuro.

"Kore," smiled she. "It's shorter."


"Well, that should do it."

With a wave of her wand, Ebony finished casting the last of her spells. They were in the Cave of Irima in Mushiyori. The enchantments were some sort of rune or something that will prevent Azrael from breaking in.

"I don't think you needed my help at all." commented Mukuro.

Ebony shook her head. "I still need my bodyguard."

"You can't defend yourself?" asked Mukuro, hinting a tad too much incredulity.

"From ordinary humans, yes. But from entities like you, no."


"I know you wouldn't be able to help but feel curious and all. After all, you have a right to know.

"As you know, Azrael killed my parents and attempted to take me. He wasn't the only one to try and steal my powers. Nobody succeeded though. We really dwelt on non violent tactics but we know well that sometimes that method just won't work. I got trained, of course, all of us were. Not only of witchcraft and wizardry but also of manipulating our spiritual powers as raw energy in combat. And what we thought of as my full capabilities was actually a mere negligible faction of my true powers. It wasn't mediocrity but I did think I trained long enough. I mean, no one can match the four of us together and all and I thought that that was indeed my best. I was fairly content with that and I never wished for stronger powers unlike my brothers.

"Then two years ago we faced an enemy who was able to drain my siblings of their powers. Actually, mine, too. We used everything all together the way we usually do which in our previous experience always proved to be the enemy's undoing. We poured our very souls but we weren't strong enough. Then something strange happened. We were fighting to the death, not giving up the little spark of hope, not while air was still being pumped into our lungs. Our foe kept on aiming for me. And our old enemies always wanted Audric. I always get mad because some people ignore me completely saying that they didn't have time to play with a scrawny little brat like me and that they wanted the great Audric to fight them. Well, I wasn't very happy at all when then I was the one being pursued.

"I was already giving up hope when something happened. Powers I never knew to have existed in me were suddenly unleashed in a frenzy. I had neither control nor will over it but it did the job well. Our enemy was defeated.

"One would expect that that sudden rush of energy would have killed me on the spot. But I survived. According to the others, I was in a coma for more than a month. They nearly decided to pull the plug. You know, euthanasia. They thought I was brain dead. But I woke up just in time. I was ravenously hungry though and the palace pantry had to be replenished twice that day.

"Though Lethe was left unscathed, the four of us weren't and surely neither was the enemies' camp. We had to nurse deep scars. Iantha became too overprotective. Audric has just loosened his trust now but then at that time, he trusted no one. Adrian's heart shattered in the harsh teeth of reality. I have to admit it had good effects, too. He became much less of a girl collector.

"I developed a strong phobia of my powers. And of guilt. I became too scrupulous. Our enemy was dead and apparently by my own hands. You might think it strange but believe it or not that was the first time I ever killed. But that wasn't what bothered me. The battle took place in his camp in the outskirts of Lethe near Makai. He had created a force field around it but we four plus a few other warriors were able to penetrate their defenses. That's why I had been able to wipe out the whole land. When my energy was released, the shield acted as a green house preventing the energy from freely moving away and dissipating as it's force decreases. I was horrified. Think of all the people in there. True, they were bloodthirsty men and they had tortured my people far worse but surely they had families too. I can't bear thinking of those widowed women and orphaned children. Besides, some of those soldiers were forced to fight as well. They didn't want to serve that warmonger but they had to. It was a matter of survival. And I killed them. Blood in my hands! Me, who specifically mastered warfare without blood shed. My conscience was forever stained iron red.

"Then I learned about what truly happened to my parents. About who I really am. I found out that it was my destiny to wield such power. But I didn't want to. I was afraid to even try to learn using it because of what happened. What if it suddenly unleashes itself and wipes out all creation? I couldn't take that.

"I decided to never use my spiritual powers. I cast a spell to bind it close. I'll be able to survive with my wand and magic. Maybe I'll settle back down in Ningenkai and maybe cool off for a while. And that's what I did. I haven't been home for nearly a year until Monday night. I must say it was a poor home coming but there'll be a better day I'm sure.

"I know it's silly. A most lame excuse. The truth is I am afraid of my true nature. I turned my back on my Lethian part. Was I afraid of pain? Maybe. The development of my powers during puberty certainly involved a lot of it. Perhaps development of this power will, too. But I think it's more of foreboding of killing. I don't want to kill even if it's for a righteous cause.

"You must be thinking of how silly I am," Ebony laughed bitterly shaking her head. "I don't even understand why I'm telling you this. I don't even know you. But I feel I can trust you."

"The person you were fighting then," said Mukuro. "Who was it?"

"He called himself Ygg." answered Ebony frowning in her strain to remember.

Ygg...that name is...

The darkness...

The gaol...

The chains...

The slavery...

The concealment...

The nothingness...

The abyss...

The oblivion...


Mukuro's mind reeled in confusion. She was caught in a whirlwind of forgotten memories revived. Now, she has to go through that emotional turmoil again.

"It's him," she whispered to herself.

"Who's him?" asked Ebony her face screwed up in concern. "Who do you speak of?"

Mukuro turned to her almost mechanically. Her eyes was so wide it could have start out from their sockets. "He who made me into a tin platted buffoon."

"Whaatt?? For heaven's sake talk to me. Are you all right?" Ebony shook her companion vigorously. "Get a grip. Ooff!"

That's exactly what she did. She clutched so tightly at Ebony's arms making her relinquish her hold on Mukuro's shoulders with a sharp cry.

"Nice grip," she said. But she didn't pry off Mukuro's hands. Ebony gazed unto that panic stricken face. Even the mechanical eye emanated perturbation. "Now calm down. Maybe it'll help if you tell me. You knew Ygg?"

The expression on her face lost some of its wildness. Mukuro now looked more like her strong self-controlled self. She took a deep breath and began speaking in a dry emotionless voice.

"Only one other person knows this story. And I didn't mean for him to know either. But I'd tell it to you anyhow. I guess the impression is mutual. I know I can trust you.

"As far as I remember, I had always been chained in seclusion inside a dark filthy gaol. I rarely saw any one but I heard almost everything they spoke of.

"From what I heard there, I can deduce that we were in some kind of lab. The rare times I saw my captors was definitely the worst of my predicaments. During these times, they strap me to some gadget or another. I didn't understand then what they were doing to me. I think they were stripping me of my energy. I nearly always lose consciousness after the exhausting torture.

"I also served as their lab guinea pig. I remember being pricked and incised. Blood was drawn. Various chemicals and drugs injected or made to swallow. I often wonder why they didn't just kill me.

"But they nearly did, accidentally. They infected me with something. Amazingly, I survived. But the disease has not left me unscathed.

"I was unconscious the whole time but I was completely aware of everything. The excruciating pain. The creeping of warm living metal replacing my flesh. But my ki was able to overcome the virus. I don't know how but I never gave up fighting for my existence.

"The person named Ygg, apparently their leader, was even more elated when he found out I survived. They kept me under much tighter surveillance from that time on.

"I did try to escape for so many times but to no avail. Finally, I did succeed. That was the first time I ever used my powers by my own will and it did me good.

"I ran and ran and ran. I realized I was finally free. I am my own now. And I decided to forget the past, to leave behind all the turmoil, confusion, pain and suffering. I turned away from myself.

"I wasn't able to remove the chains on my wrists. Only recently were they removed by the person who changed my life. And the trauma. I never forgot the trauma.

"That was the beginning of my rise to power. I fought with hatred in my heart. Was it to quench my thirst for vengeance? Perhaps. Or maybe it was to redeem myself. I was hoping all the battles and gore will help me gain the dignity, honor and identity I was denied. But they didn't. I learned that particularly when I found a white pearl.

"The organic gem had a peculiar sobering property about it. It seems to have been emanating pure brilliant white light that can seal the hatred in one's heart. It whispered for me stop all the violence and oppression in me. I never really listened to it fully until I met its owner but its energy gave me wisdom and discretion. I learned to be less cruel and had rare but fruitful attacks of conscience.

"I'm sure you've known about Yomi, Raizen and me. Our forces were kept at bay but trouble arose when Raizen died. He was a monster feeding on humans but came to love them and vowed to protect them even to the point of starving.

"Anyway, you know what followed next. Hiei became my best general. He is the owner of that pearl. Actually, it was a tear gem released by his mother when he was born. There are two of them and the other was with his twin. Then, she gave it to him though she didn't know he was truly the brother.

"His story is interesting but this is my story. Perhaps he'd prefer you yourself ask him.

"Anyway, it was he who made me follow the gem's wordless advice. I don't know why but I trusted him. No, it's not like with you. You really have this aura of innocence and truth. Hiei was a throat-slasher like me.

"He stayed with me even after I renounced my throne in the Dark domain. But we fought each other in the tournament.

"I won, of course. But the fight was long and grueling. Not for my part but for his. I could have easily finished him off at once but I didn't. I don't know. Somehow I wanted him to know himself and in the process I, too, discovered me.

"In the end we were able to accept ourselves and our past. So we threw away the bad feelings and emotions and left them behind for good. I was only shocked a while ago because I've forgotten about Ygg many years ago, even before my rise to domination.

"Strange, had I finished him of at once I could be the ruler of Makai now. But then again life is full of ifs. And if I did become an empress, I'd still be single and rotting away in a stupor of hatred and revenge.

"I was fairly satisfied with my life. I like the peace away from the gore of mutilated flesh and metallic stench of blood. Hiei still seems to take fancy on fighting though.

"Until a few days ago, I began having dreams of widespread destruction and death. Strange, strange, I just woke up from one of those nightmares when Enki called forth Hiei. Hiei knew about my dreams and ordered me to go with him. Kurama happened to have just arrived in our home and Hiei demanded he come along, too."

Ebony looked thoughtful. "I was right," she said. "Your deformities are techno-organic in origin. I think the virus is called Stryfe's Legacy virus ( I can't think of any other name and that's virus I patterned it from. It's from X-Men but what I really mean is that virus in biology that still can't be distinguished from being a living or non-living thing,). Ygg planned to use it years ago even before I was born as a biological weapon against Lethe. That was during grandfather's youth which is approximately 400 years ago. Lethians have shorter life spans, you know."

"But I still have the feeling being a lab mouse wasn't the only thing he wanted from me, " remarked Mukuro. "After the virus incident, he forbade any experiment involving me."

"Hmmm," Ebony reflected. "You certainly are powerful. Maybe you're a seer? I rather fear that dream of yours. But don't lose heart. Prophecies are always told with an if."

"Are you telling that to yourself?" Mukuro flashed a rare smile.

"Partially," Ebony stood up from the rock projection they were sitting on. "Hey, we should go to Master Genkai's place. I'll cast the spells there and then we'll wait for the others. What was the name of that former Reikai Tantei Koenma was talking about?"

"Yusuke. He's Raizen's direct descendant."

"Ahhh! The guy who set up the tournament. You know, I know someone of the same name. He's rather silly, though strangely likeable. But he is no good in school." 



Additional disclaimer: Stryfe Legacy virus is from the comic book series The X-Men. It was the virus that Apocolypse infected Nathan Christopher Summers (Cable) to see if he was strong enough to serve as his vessel. In the future, where Rachel Summers brought her brother, mutants rule the planet and enslaved the Homo sapiens. This virus was secretly being mass produced as a species-specific biological weapon to wipe out the humans, which is stupid because mutants have basically the same genome as humans and therefore they'll wipe out everyone--…. Er… ^^;; Sorry about that. Point is, I just sort of borrowed that (since this is a fanfic anyway and the characters are borrowed ^^) because Cable sort of reminded me of Mukuro. -.-; So I'm not claiming it. Don't sue! 'Kay?


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