Oboette Imasu
by Tasukimi Himura

The Rekai bustled with many sounds as demons and yuokos from the spirit world hurried along doing their daily tasks. Everyone seemed to be grumbling as they got to work, all save one ferry-girl... who was busy sitting by the corner of the records office, shuffling through a large album. 

:_I can’t believe this old thing is still here after all these thousands of years, _: Botan exclaimed to herself as she flipped through the old photo book. :_I’m surprised! Either Koenma forgot to throw it away or the Prince does have a heart after all..._: 

Botan would have agreed with the latter thought. Koenma-sama was being especially mean to her for the past few days. Not that he was kind before, but he snapped at her more often now and Botan couldn’t help but feel hurt by his grouchy demeanor. Still, what could you expect from a Prince who was swamped everyday under paperwork. Sometimes she felt sorry for all Koenma’s struggling. Maybe that’s why she stayed, because she knew somehow he needed her at times to get things straight for him. Maybe. But Botan knew it was more than that... 

Botan smiled as she flipped through a picture of young Koenma eating an ice cream in the garden. He looked so happy. Eyes dancing, food splattered all over his face, and a huge smile complementing it all. Turning the page, she was surprised to find an old faded picture she had not seen for a long time included in the album. Koenma was standing beside her while she wore her brand new kimono from Enma-sama, on the day she transferred to the Rekai. The day they introduced her on how to be a ferry-girl. Botan touched the picture softly, a soft smile on her lips. She remembered that day, so vividly as if it only happened yesterday... 


" Little girl, why are you crying?" a small boy asked as the little blue-haired girl huddled from the rain. She didn’t answer him. She couldn’t answer him. All she could think about was the sorrow and pain emanating from her own little heart. The boy looked at her in concern. 

" If you would tell me, maybe I can help..." The girl just stared at him, continuous tears flowing down her face. The girl sobbed even harder. The boy sighed and sat down beside her. 

" I’ll tell you what," he told her, reaching into his pocket, " If I give you a lollipop will you stop crying?" He placed the small piece of candy in the girl’s hands and smiled softly at her. The girl sniffed, looking down at the piece of candy with longing and confusion. " Why... why are you giving this to me?" 

The boy shrugged. " I thought you might like it. You look like the kind of girl who would enjoy a good lollipop." The girl sniffed again, wiping the tears with her small fist. She popped the candy in her mouth, looking at the boy fearfully, as if she expected him to grab the lollipop back any minute. The boy just stared at her, smiling all the while. " My name’s Koenma," he said introducing himself. " What’s yours?" 

The girl continued sucking the lollipop. " B- Botan," she told him softly. The boy grinned. " That’s a beautiful name you’ve got there... Botan." Botan stopped eating long enough to flash him a small smile. Koenma’s eyes blinked back surprise. " You know Botan-chan, you look very pretty when you uh, when um... when you smile," he told her shyly, not used to complementing girls, especially at his age. Botan’s smile grew even wider. " Arigato, Koenma-chan." 

Koenma blushed. " So tell me, Botan, why were you crying?" Botan stopped her licking and looked at him, suspicion lining her eyes. Suddenly a large flash of lightning streaked beside them followed by a loud boom of thunder and in fear Botan cuddled right into Koenma’s arms. Koenma meanwhile, glared at the raging storm, daring it to do it’s worst. He looked down at the girl in his arms and Botan looked up, straight into his eyes. " It’s my... it’s my birthday to day," she choked out, her eyes filling with tears. " My...my parents---they forgot and... and otosan got drunk again an’ started beating me up and okasan..." This time the girl burst out into a fresh state of tears as she cried on to the little boy’s chest. The little boy stroked her hair softly. " Maybe they were just busy," he said trying to comfort her. " I’m sure once you get home they’ll have a present or a small cake ready for you." 

Botan shook her head, sobbing uncontrollably. "I’m not going home any... anymore," she told him between tears. "Okasan... she... she sold me to a mercenary traveling by our village. He’s a mean man. I escaped while we were in the market this morning and I’m not ever going back...!" she told him defiantly, scrubbing at her eyes with her fists. 

Koenma bit his lip. He felt so sorry for the little girl. She was so pretty and yet no one wanted her. The storm was getting worse and he knew his father would come looking for him shortly. But that would mean he’d have to leave the park, and he knew he couldn’t just leave the little girl alone. He just couldn’t! 

" I’ll tell you what," he told the blue-haired girl softly. " If you stop crying and you behave yourself, I’ll ask father if you can come home with us." Botan shook her head softly, looking away. "I don’t want to go home with ‘nobody. I’ve got no home. No one... no one wants me..." 

Koenma shook his head. " My father would want you, he’s a nice man, he is! And you have to go home with us," he coaxed her as she looked up to him," because um... because we’ve got a birthday present for you waiting back at the palace." 

The girl blinked her eyes. " A present... for me? But... why?" Koenma smiled, taking her hand. "It’s your birthday today isn’t it? Now come on, Father’s going to be worried about us. Let’s hurry before the storm gets worse." Botan held back, deciding whether she could trust him or not. But as she looked down to the small half-eaten lollipop in her hand, up to the boy’s brilliant blue eyes, she knew she could trust him. 

Koenma’s word was as good as gold when hours later at the palace, Botan received her first kimono from Enma-sama, the best birthday gift she could have ever received. She twirled around happily, as god and demi-god watched her with interested eyes. " She is beautiful, son. And she’d make a great playmate for you, Koenma," his father mused slowly. 

Koenma smiled at him and ran to his new found friend. " I’ll race you to the cake!" he challenged her, before both kids ran laughing down the hallway... 


Botan felt a smile cross her face after that momentary flashback. She had so many nice memories with Koenma as a child. They were best friends, and Botan always felt they had this certain bond. All because Koenma took the time to befriend a lost, lonely little girl crying in the rain. Botan sighed. But the past is still the past and Botan couldn’t remember when it was that she got accustomed to calling him Koenma-sama instead of her old childhood name for him. She remembered his request to call himself that because of all the respect he had to gain from his subjects, but it still hurt terribly that she had to call him the same way, as if she was nothing more to him than a mere ferry-girl working in his palace. 

Closing the book, she stood up a big smile lighting her face. Checking the calendar, she grinned. Today was the day. The anniversary of the first time they met. Today was her birthday! Botan couldn’t help but feel excited. She wondered what Koenma would do. Of course he’d have to be nice to her today, at least just for one day be the friend that she knew long ago... 

Hopping up the stairs two at the time, Botan greeted the grumbling workers passing by her on the way out. They looked at her weirdly as she walked cheerily along the path to Koenma’s office. She saw George, the blue demon shuffling through a few papers at the entrance. Grabbing a cup off the nearby pantry, she began preparing tea for Koenma. 

" Konnichiwa, George-san!" she said cheerily as she balanced the tray in her hands while trying to open the door. " What’s Koenma-chan doing this fine morning?" George stared at her as if she had grown another head. " Koenma-SAMA, is busy right now, Botan. I wouldn’t go in there if I was you." She grinned, opening the door slowly. " Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind a little visit!" 

Entering the room, Botan spied Koenma’s chair, it’s back facing her as he stared concentratedly out the window, flipping through a large stack of files. " This has been such an annoying week," he grumbled, throwing a few papers in the shredder. 

" Koenma-sama," she asked softly, testing his mood as she walked up to his table. He swerved his chair to face her. He was in his teenaged-form, complete with an annoyed expression on his face. " What is it?" Botan smiled. 

" Well, I thought you might want to take a break from the paperwork so I brought you some tea," she told him putting the cup down beside him. " Hmmm." Koenma nodded, grabbing the cup and taking a sip from it. Botan waited expectantly for any greeting or gift of some sort. 

And she waited... and waited... 

" Isn’t there anything else you have to do?" Koenma demanded in irritation," Stop staring at me like that, will you?!" Botan cringed down in confusion. " Go--gomen nasai, Koenma-sama," she said, stumbling over her words. Koenma nodded and she fidgeted. 

" Well?" he asked. 

" I’m sorry, Koenma-sama... I... I was just waiting for you to umm, to say something." 

Koenma stared at her for a while. " Arigato for the tea, Botan. " he told her before turning his back to her once more. Botan let out a sigh and proceeded to drag her feet out the room. At the door, Koenma called her back. " Yes?" she asked a hopeful smile lighting her face. 

Without even turning back to look at her, Koenma pointed to the large stack of papers on the opposite wall and ordered her. " File those things for me, will you? They have to be ready by tonight." Botan bit back the urge to cry. This wasn’t turning out like the day she had imagined. Had he really forgotten her birthday?! 

Taking the papers she walked slowly to the door, turning back one last time to look at him; but when he didn’t say anything she sighed and moved out. Stepping into the small, tight filing room, Botan began her task, but she couldn’t help leaving the door a bit ajar, in hopes, Koenma would decide to come down and greet her. 

The afternoon wore on wearily as Botan continued stacking the large pile of papers. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she sighed stopping to take a break. :_I can’t believe Koenma could be so disorganized!_:She thought tiredly as she sat down. The afternoon sun was slowly fading in the west and Botan decided to take a walk out of the stupid cramped up room, just long enough to stretch her muscles. Remembering the album, she hurriedly rushed out of the room and back into the records room to retrieve it.:_ Maybe I can show it to Koenma-sama,_:she thought excitedly,:_ And laugh over all the past memories with him! Maybe... maybe then he’ll remember... what day it is today..._: 

Unable to contain her excitement, Botan rushed to the entrance of Koenma’s large room, the gigantic doors unable to stop her. Stepping inside quietly with a huge smile on her face, she stopped short as she realized Koenma was talking to somebody, his back still faced her way. Peering in closer, Botan noticed it was a ferry girl... and a very pretty one at that. What surprised Botan most of all was Koenma was talking to her in a very pleasant voice, relaxed and friendly...a tone she had not her from him in a very long time! 

" ... these are the locations for the Ningenkai scouting team. Few have gone to pass this level but you look like a competent enough person, I’m sure you’ll turn out to be the best of the ferry-girls. We haven’t had those in a long time, so Enma-sama is planning to delete some. I’m glad he found you as a replacement. Anyway, these are Botan’s routes... they look fairly easy ... " 

Botan failed to hear the rest of Koenma’s words as she ran out of the room, tears beginning to form in her eyes. Replacement? They were looking for competent ferry-girls as replacements??!! Botan choked back a sob. So that was it... Koenma was giving the other girl her position as a ferry girl! That was probably why he was acting so grouchy with her lately. He’s grown tired of me, she realized with considerable pain filling her heart. After all these years, after all she had ever done to please him... he was getting rid of her. Botan didn’t want to believe it, but she could still hear the faint ringing of Koenma’s voice in her ears. 

I’m glad he found you as a replacement... here are Botan’s routes... 

Botan rushed into her room sobbing uncontrollably as she lay her head on the pillow. :_This can’t be happening, she thought sadly, :_I... I thought we were friends. He can’t... why? Not today... oh god, why today?!!_: Botan continued crying on the pillow, pouring her heart out in a fresh torrent of tears. She didn’t know how long she lay there, tears streaming down her face when she heard a voice passing by her door. 

" I got the job! I knew Koenma-sama would like me!" 

Botan sat up as she felt a stab of pain against her heart. And that was when she knew that she had to go. That she wasn’t needed anymore. That she wasn’t wanted. A memory of long ago hit her hard and she remembered many years before when a little blue-haired girl came crying out into the rain. 

:_ I’ve got to get out of here, she thought quickly, I can’t stay here any longer! I just can’t... I won’t stand to see the pity on their faces when they kick me out! I won’t stand to see myself get replaced... I... I won’t stand to see Koenma’s uncaring mask any longer! I should have known my leaving would come sooner or later... I just never thought Koenma... would---_: 

Turning away, Botan grabbed her oar and prepared to fly out of the window. Stopping for a moment she spied her picture with Koenma sticking out from the old book. Biting her lip she grabbed it and tore it in half, leaving it to fall heedlessly to the ground. :_Maybe it was best that I had never met you, Koenma-chan, she spat out bitterly, staring at his side of the picture, his young innocent face staring back at her, eyes smiling with childlike innocence. :_Because then I probably would have never learned to love you...!_: 

Not trusting herself anymore Botan mounted her oar and flew out of the window in a daze. Looking back, she saw the silhouette of the palace against the autumn trees and Botan knew in her heart that it was the right time to leave. She thought she had found a home. I guess I was wrong, she told herself sadly, hugging her body to herself. She didn’t know where to go or what to do. 

And worst of all, Botan heard a grumbling in the distance as dark clouds hovered heavily above her, bringing autumn showers with it. " It must be a sign," Botan said to herself darkly before collapsing into a new set of tears. 

" George, have you seen Botan?" Koenma asked through his pacifier, humming a small tune as he stepped out of the main dining hall. George looked up from his papers and shook his head. Koenma frowned. " Where is she?! I’ve been looking all over the palace for her! It’s her birthday, you know" Koenma told the blue demon matter-of-factly as he checked the records room and found nothing. George scratched his head as Konema went to check Botan’s bedroom. " Maybe she went out for a walk. Her oar is missing from the stands…" he called out after his master as he entered the room. A few minutes later, Koenma came rushing out of the room, carrying a small torn picture with him. " George," he said grabbing the demon’s collar roughly," You have to tell me, do you know where Botan went?!! " George shook his head in fear, Konema’s eyes boring through him with wild desperation and panic in his eyes. 

" K’so!" Koenma cursed to himself. " Have you at least seen her this afternoon?!" he asked wildly, pacing around. George stared at his master with wide eyes. " N-no..well, I did see her this morning… Oh! And I saw her heading towards your room while you were talking to the replacement. She was carrying this old book of some sort and.." but George wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Koenma rushed to the door and ran out into the rain, not caring at all as he got drenched in it’s shower. 

:_Shit, what have I done?!_: Koenma thought in a panic as he searched the Rekai forests for her. :_She must’ve heard me talking to the ferry girl and got the wrong idea. Damn it! This is all my fault!_: 

Koenma searched and searched, but came up with nothing. He was getting desperate as he moved deeper and deeper into the Rekai woods, past the palace’s boundaries and straight into the heart of the Spirit Realm. He knew things were dangerous on from there but he couldn’t stop his search, not until he had found Botan and explained things to her. Botan, where are you?! he thought with worry. He at least hoped she had found some dry shelter. 

A soft sound of someone crying caught his ears and Koenma edged closer to see who it was. He sighed in relief as he spotted a blue-haired girl crouched low beneath a tree, huddling from the cold and rain. " Botan, we’d better get out of here. These parts of the woods are dangerous, especially in this storm," he told her worriedly as he knelt down beside her. Botan didn’t even glance his way as she continued crying. 

Koenma sighed. " Botan, what’s wrong?" he asked in concern. " Why are you out here crying under the rain? It’s cold…you’re going to catch a fever" But Botan remained silent, her only answers were quiet tears as her body was racked with sobs. 

Taking off his cape, Koenma shrouded it over Botan’s shoulders, which she immediately shrugged off. " Leave me be, Koenma-sama," she said angrily, " Go back to the palace and finish your work! Your time is too precious to be worrying about a stupid miserable ferry girl like me!" her voice cracked she added, " Or ex-ferry girl as is the case!" 

" Botan," Koenma said in frustration," I’m not firing you! What do you mean—" 

" Then I’m quitting Koenma-sama!" Botan said angrily, her face a mass of tears and dirt from the grass below. " Before you have the chance to replace me I’m resigning from the stupid position! I hope you’re happy!" she screamed, pushing him hard, her voice raw from all the crying she had been doing. "For all these years I served you Koenma-sama. For all the things we’ve been through. Do they really mean nothing to you?! Am I really nothing but some incompetent fool that you can throw out by whim?! She looked away as he continued to stare at her in surprise. " Botan, I would never try and hurt you—" he began before she cut him off again. 

" Hurt me? Oh no, you didn’t hurt me, Koenma. Just broke my heart into a million tiny pieces and threw my trust away that’s all!" Botan said, the hurt shining through from her voice. " You can find a billion other replacements for me Koenma-sama, but there’s one thing you’ll never be able to find in them! I loved you, Koenma-chan," she told him, holding back her tears, using the same fond childhood name she had used for him long ago. " I stayed because I loved you…which is as much as I can say for those " competent fools" you’ve brought in with you. " Botan turned away from him, clutching the ground for support and trying to hide her pain from him as she realized once again how long ago the past was from now. 

But Koenma surprised her. She never expected the reply that he had ready for her, simple as it may have been yet full of meaning as he fished into his pocket, taking something small out from within it and presenting it to her. " I love you too, Botan-chan. That’s why I don’t like to see you crying alone. Here. You look like a girl who can use a good lollipop." He told her, putting the small object into her palm. Botan just stared down at it, tears falling from her cheeks. " Wh-what did you say?" 

Konema sighed, collecting the blue-haired ferry-girl into his arms. " I said I love you Botan-chan, and I don’t think it’s right for you to be crying on your birthday!" Botan looked up in surprise. "You..you knew… you remembered!" 

Koenma smiled down at her. " I remember Botan-chan. I remember," he told her softly, stroking his cheek. " How could I forget, the day we first met?! The day I felt like sending two heartless bakas to the sprirt world for leaving the most beautiful thing behind." He stroked her cheek, wiping her tears away with his finger. " Oboette imasu." 

Botan opened her mouth but somehow she couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Koenma just smiled. " And by the way, Botan-chan, I was just using you as an example to Hikaru-chan on how a ferry girl should be like, so if ever you heard anything, that was just me showing her your marvelous record and your clean routes. " Botan couldn’t help but let the tears slip past she hugged him tightly. " So you’re not angry with me? You’re not planning to send me away…" 

" Of course not! Why would you think that?!" Botan looked down as she smoothened her face on his chest. " You always seem so angry with me and it’s been ages since I’ve heard you call me Botan-chan… or let me call you by that old nickname…." Koenma bit his lip, stroking her hair softly. " I’m sorry, Botan-chan, I guess I have been a little uptight. I shouldn’t have brought it all out on you." he sighed. " I promise not to do it again. And well, okay, you can call me that…just as long as it’s just the two of us together, okay? I have a reputation to keep up to!" 

Botan looked up at him mischievously. " And when do we usually have time alone together? You’re always busy!" Koenma grinned back at her, a twinkle in his eye. " Oh, there will be more of that don’t worry. I’m going to see to that!" 

Botan laughed, feeling the same happy feeling she had awhile back return to her once more. She and Koenma stood up to go, flying the oar back into the palace, past George’s wide-eyed stares. Just as they were walking together, Koenma just stopped, causing Botan to do the same. " Ne, Koenma-sama?" 

He was blushing hotly as he reached inside his shirt and retrieved a small black velvet box. "It’s your umm, birthday and I umm, thought I’d give you your birthday present a bit earlier than the rest." He handed her the box, with an embarrassed smile and waited to see how she liked it. Botan gasped as she brought out the small gold pendant laying within. Opening it, she smiled as she realized Koenma had filled it with their pictures. " It’s beautiful, Koenma-chan," she whispered. " So beautiful…" 

Koenma blushed delightedly. " Do you…do you really like it?" Botan nodded, looking up into his eyes. " It’s the best birthday present I can ever get! I’ll treasure it forever, along with that old kimono." She smiled and Koenma couldn’t help but smile back. Raising it up, she asked softly. " Can you put it on for me?" 

Koenma’s fingers shook as he clasped it on to the blue-haired girl’s neck and as he stepped back to look at her he felt his heart jump from it’s place. Little Botan-chan had grown up to be very pretty after all! Botan let out a breath as she realized that Koenma was staring at her and as if drawn by and invisible magnet, both stepped closer to each other. 

" Koenma," Botan whispered before Koenma’s lips descended lightly upon hers. His lips touched hers ever so softly and just as she was about to respond, the door to the main hall was flung open and Yusuke and the gang came charging out. 

" Oi, it’s the birthday girl! What took you so long?! Let’s start the party already! I’m hungry!" Yusuke shouted as Koenma and Botan jumped apart, their cheeks flaming in embarrassment. There were so many people there who came up to Botan, slapping her on the back and wishing her a happy birthday. 

" O tanjobi omedeto gozaimasu, Botan!" Hinageshi shouted in the corner, followed by a chorus of greetings from the rest of the guests; Kurama, Hiei (wow!) Kuwabara, Yukina, etc... Botan looked at Konema as she realized he had planned it all and he blushed, looking down. 

" Arigato Koenma-sama!" she said softly," This is truly the best birthday I could ever have!" Koenma shrugged and after exchanging a brief glance with her, he went out to serve some food and drinks…as well as get some for himself! 

Botan watched his back as he moved through the crowd. How could I have mistrusted him? I am such a fool! Botan thought, shaking her head. Well, that was the past. Botan vowed she’d make it up to him somehow. Their brief kiss still lingered in the air, and Botan knew he felt it too as she caught his eye and both blushed looking away. Well, there would be more time for that later, Botan thought as she joined the guests smiling happily! After all she was " home." A home she knew she would remain in forever, Koenma promised her that. 

And she believed him. 

Trusted him. 

Loved him. 

Yes, she was truly home…all because a young boy took the time out to love an unwanted little girl as she sat crying her eyes out in the rain one afternoon, long ago… 


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