
By Melpomene


Fourth Chapter


THERE'S NOTHING PLAIN or unremarkable about the person that stared back at her. Her perfect eyebrows, her perfect nose, her perfect mouth, her perfect eyes, every one of her perfect features, are perfectly organized on her flawless face. She pulled off one of the ribbons that previously kept the jet-black waves off her face. Now, her hair framed her face as it cascaded down her back fluidly, rippling and shinning in its sheer health. It didn't matter how she fixed it. No matter how her hair is styled, she's still stunning. And she knew it.

But what is physical beauty? If it comes to that, what is money? What is power? What is popularity?

For some people, those seem to be the sole purpose of life. That's why many regarded her as lucky. Lucky, indeed! If they only knew. What's the use of all those if your spirit inside is dying? What does it matter if she is Yoshio Masago, daughter of the most influential man in Reikai, Kumagai? So what if she's the prospect wife of the Prince of Reikai, Koenma Daiou, heir to the throne? Who would want to marry a complete stranger? Who would want to have everything and yet lack freedom?

She sighed rubbing the mirror with her long delicate white fingers. The glass had fogged causing her reflection to look unclear.

She shivered, hugging the plush robe close about her. She was about to call her personal valet, the pretty girl Botan, but remembered in time that the latter is in Ningenkai. She stood up and added some wood to the picturesque fireplace, making the flames blaze more so. Yes, she can do those things by herself, despite having a great multitude of servants to wait on her. She managed to learn, somehow, during those rare times of her privacy, like now. Why then did she have to call Botan? Force of habit, perhaps. The servants won't allow her to move a single muscle if it can be helped.

She sank down again in the soft bed, savoring the smoothness of the silken sheets against the exposed part of her skin and the warmth and cuddle-someness of the thick blanket of fur. Momentarily, she blanched, recoiling in terror as she remembered that this object that gave her comfort was once a living thing. Her gentle heart ached for that white-haired beast from which that hide was stolen.

It needs it more than I do, she thought, sighing demurly.

Her gaze settled outside, past the curtains of her canopied bed, and out the drapery-adorned window. The sky was dim, gloomy, and sleepy, almost reflecting her dark mood. Yet, it somehow induced her to think, to reflect, and to muse with her thoughts.

… She's so lucky, she's a star

but she cry, cry, cry with a broken heart thinking

if there's nothing, missing in my life,

then why do these tears come at night?

It was nearly an hour later when she rose from her bed. Her eyes are wet.

"Where are you, Botan?" she unwittingly murmured.

She has become rather fond of the ferry girl. Ever since she came, Masago's spirits somehow lifted. Botan is a happy individual and that happiness she somehow shares to everyone around her. Masago misses her already even though she has only been gone for barely a few hours. Masago didn't want to sink into the bleak world of loneliness, of emptiness, of discontent. She has grown accustomed to the ferry girl's smile that always made her appreciate herself.

Ferry girl. Somehow, Masago can't stop referring to Botan as that. Of course, she knew the servant girl was once the assistant of Koenma, her betrothed. However, it was never really clear why she was displaced from her position or how the prince reacted to it. Her father never told her.

Masago is glad Botan was reassigned. If the prince of Reikai is anything like the way he appears to be, Botan can't be allowed to stay with that glowering slave master. Her sweet spirit would probably only get hurt with that kind of insensitive master.

She, Masago, is sensitive, and she does read a trace of sadness in her maid's countenance. Her smile and laughter lights up the day but still, there it is. The melancholic, almost wistful expression glints from her lavender eyes.

Perhaps, she had been wrong about Koenma. Maybe he doted on Botan, too, like herself. Maybe Botan didn't want to be separated from her old boss. Maybe…

If only she could ask Botan herself! But somehow, Masago knew her servant wouldn't satisfy her curiosity.

Funny, she was almost envious of Botan. Envious of what? She has everything: wealth, power, intelligence, beauty. She's perfect according to the belief of some. It disturbs her so badly sometimes she's tempted to do something bad deliberately just to let them face reality. Like, she just wants to push somebody, slap him and say, " Hello? I'm not some goddess, OK? I'm fallible. I'm just as imperfect as any of you!"

What does it matter? Isn't it nice to be adored? It hurts her that people can be so superficial, so masked, so alone. Botan is different. She can be happy without as much as an effort. Masago really does envy her after all.

Masago shifted her position and caught sight of her reflection in the mirror. She saw her own eyes staring back at her. They were exotic, large, almond-shaped, almost tilted. The pupils shone with the emerald fire of the iris surrounding them, but somehow, she felt it was cold. Her eyes had no depth, no eloquence, no soul. She envied, if it was possible for her immaculate self to feel such egoism, Botan's lavender peepers that bubbled over with emotions, shifting as her mood changes. Almost always, it was happiness that showed through, a wistful kind of joy that seem to reminisce on the past.

Even Botan's mouth fascinated her. Sure, it was nothing against her small red lips many long to kiss. However, the rose-like beauties usually remain passively tucked into a forced, haltingly worn smile, so unlike Botan's. Hers are always formed into a warm willing smile, or else open with casual laughter. They are nice even though she jabbers much and doesn't even pause long enough to let the two lips touch for longer than a couple of seconds.

She would give anything for a life as free as Botan's!

"Masago!" yelled a voice from outside.

No, she thought. She is trapped in a limbo-like puppet house, one where she is being controlled like a marionette.

"I'm coming, brother," she called back. "I'll just join you in the den."

She threw on a decent dress and was soon enough entering the richly furnished den of their home. It was a little cold (not really literally, for the fireplace was blazing deliciously) and a little stiff, but it was at least familiar and therefore comforting.

"Ieyasu?" she asked.

A tall figure rose from the window seat.  He looked at her directly, bowing slightly in greeting. As always, her eyes locked on to his. He always has that effect. Not only on her but also on most people.

It is probably his eyes. They were almost exactly like hers but the shade of his green is different. Hers was a fiery marble-like emerald green while his is almost yellowish, like a cat's. They bore into your own, burning through the mask everyone wears and seeing right through the heart. Oddly enough, it wasn't alarming. It's rather, well, relaxing. For her, that is. For other people, they feel a slight suspicion of treachery, which is soon conquered by a certain feeling of tranquility and submissiveness. The difference is, Masago has known him since birth, and they don't. At least, that's her guess.

"Good morning, sister," he greeted her.

"Good morning, Ieyasu," she answered demurely. "You called for me?"

"Family talk. Sit down kid." He sat on the divan beside the fire.

"Where are father and Atsumori?" She sat down beside him.

Ieyasu shrugged. "They'll come soon. In the meantime, how's the prettiest girl in all of Reikai?"

"Never better, sir."

Ieyasu gave out a laugh in his soft mellow voice. "Ah, you're still the same."

Masago frowned. "What?"

"You still don't know how to lie." He ran his fingers through his blackish green spiky hair, whose dark tint intensifies the startling shade of his eyes. "You're too naïve for this universe. You won't survive, girl."

"And you, how are you doing in Makai? I heard there's trouble."

"It's hardly our problem, really. Koenma's too paranoid if you ask me."

"Ought not you say Koenma-sama?"

Ieyasu's upper lip curled in amusement. "Why set a rift to discriminate between us? Future brother-in-laws should be exactly what they'll be: brothers."

Masago turned her face away from her brother. "And what of me?" she murmured.

Ieyasu raised his eyebrows. "You don't like the arrangement? I, for one, thought you'd be happy. You so admired the chap."

" A crush, yes, years ago. Marriage is a different matter. For one thing, well, there must be love."

"Sometimes, Masago, I suffer to think how useless your beauty is if you don't have brains at par with it. Sure, you're intelligent alright, but you don't have much sense."

"But I don't even know him! Besides-"

"Koenma is famous. You, for one, are a best match for him. Are you throwing away this chance to be queen?"

"I'm tired of this ostentatious life," she whispered. "I want to be of some use."

"Then marry him. That way you can serve not only him, but also your countrymen, and of course, your kinsmen."

"But I haven't even gotten to know him, aside from the functions and parties and stuff."

"What more do you want? Other people don't know him at all. Not personally, like you."

He hates me, that old snob! And I'm not too fond of him either, she thought. But before she could say anything else, the doors slammed against the adjacent walls as it opened.

In came a tall young man not in the least unlike Ieyasu; same built, same manly finesse, same hair, (though the former's hair is long and was tied into a ponytail) everything alike as if cloned, except for the eyes. The scowling glittering eyes were almost the same but the iris is a dark jade green; fathomless, a whirlpool of undisclosed emotions. This time, the anger and disappointment showed through.

  "Masago, how can you do that?" he yelled. He had the same voice as Ieyasu but less mellow and somewhat authoritative. "Do you realize how much shame you have caused our family? Father could have lost his job. What's the idea of ditching the Prince of Reikai?"

"I'm sorry, brother!" she pleaded tearfully, wringing her hands in despair. "I didn't think he'd come at all. He didn't twenty-five times before."

A short pudgy old man came pattering in. "Oh dear me!" he exclaimed.
"Now, now, Ash. Don't upset your sister."

"Father, please. I don't think she understands what's at stake here."

"Yeah?" butted in Ieyasu. "I understand perfectly, as perfect as yourself, o flawless Atsumori. You're afraid you'd fall out of favor from the palace, afraid you'll lose your precious little position as the intelligence center director. Or maybe you love Enma's butt too much to stop from kissing it."

" Ieyasu," Kumagai attempted to say. "That's a very offensive thing to say to your-."

"I'll handle it, Father," interrupted Atsumori. "Listen, you. If there's anybody who should be afraid, it should be you. The Makai embassy is a mess and nothing's happening about that problem-"


"What?" quipped Ieyasu disdainfully. "You want it to become worse?"


"That's not funny, you!" growled Atsumori, even more furiously. "If I had not intervened, your butt would have been roasting in the torture chambers of Makai. A hell of a thank you I got."


"Stay out of this, father," said Ieyasu. He's, mad, too. His eyes glared at the other luminously. "I see. So now you think you're better. I wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if that person in charge of the IC did his job and prevented the leakage of information from the archives."


"That’s not the point here!" Atsumori raged, ignoring the gibbering old man. "It's not easy being in my position. With all these powerful beings, what prevents an inside job-"

"So now you're blaming me!" roared Ieyasu.

"I'm risking everything trying to help you! Don't put words into my mouth, you worthless ingrate."

"I didn't ask for you help."

"Boys!" yelled Kumagai. "Stop this!"

"STAY OUT OF THIS OLD MAN!" screamed the other two. They resumed their explosive arguing until someone finally started a fistfight. They didn't notice the girl slip out of the uproarious room. They didn't see the tears forming in her eyes.


Erg! I forgot! You know, I had a hard time deciding whether or not I should add the lyrics of Britney's Lucky. I thought it's a nice touch but then again I'm not too fond of Britney Spears.  Oh, well!


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