Is it Wrong to Fall in Love?


Chapter Two

I’m in Ningenkai again. Yeah, right. Where else would I be? Where else would Koenma-sama send me?

I certainly looked—and felt—stupid that day. I clutched my coat tighter around my shoulders as the spring breeze picked up speed.

Maybe I should pay Keiko-chan a visit again, I thought. But after my silly departure some weeks ago, she’d probably bombard me with questions. And Yusuke would be there, teasing me about Koenma-sama. They’ve probably figured it out already. Yeah, bad idea.

I passed by a jewelry store, half-expecting that Koenma-sama and Ayame would be there, choosing their wedding rings. But of course they wouldn’t be there. Koenma-sama would choose the rarest, most expensive gem in the Reikai to create a ring for Ayame, not some cheap stone from the Ningenkai.

I felt an inexplicable weight settle in the pit of my stomach. It’s that feeling again, I told myself, forcing my legs to move on aimlessly. My mind pictured Koenma and Ayame exchanging vows as he slips a ring onto her middle finger…

No, I’m not cut out for this job today, I finally realized. I’m thinking of things too much. I should be going back to Reikai. Besides, everything looks normal around here.

I looked around. It was quiet, except for the prattles of junior high school students going home after classes. A few boys do double takes at me—it isn’t everyday when they’d find a girl with long blue hair walking around Tokyo.

I walked faster, pointedly ignoring them. I should do my job, I reminded myself again and again. It’s why Koenma-sama likes me in the first place, anyway.

I jerked my head up as I felt a splash of cold on my left cheek. Rain. I had barely noticed that the Reikai sky wasn’t as clear and pellucid as it is as usual. Maybe I had been flying on my oar too fast. Or maybe I just wasn’t in the mood.

I don’t believe this, I thought. Everyone else in Reikai was in a festive mood ever since Enma-sama announced his son’s wedding to Ayame, but it seemed as if I was the only one who wasn’t. Just me. And I was supposed to be happy…always.

The rain was pouring harder now. Thankfully, I had arrived in time in the Reikai palace for the fifth time that day. With my hair and kimono drenched in Reikai rainwater, I halted my oar on the balcony that directed towards Koenma-sama’s office. He would be real furious if he found me reporting like this.


"Ayame!" I almost shrieked when I heard my fellow ferry girl’s voice. I gave her a wide smile. Although I couldn’t help but feel that painful pang of jealousy inside my chest….

I slapped myself mentally. You shouldn’t think like this, I scolded myself. Ayame is your friend!

"Look at you!" Ayame gasped. "You should change clothes!"

I smiled widely to cover up my bad mood. "I’ll be okay. I have to report to Koenma-sama first, ne?"

"Right." Ayame’s smile was meaningful. She gave a little wave. I waved back. 

I let out a rueful sigh. It was strange…yes, I love him, but…it seems as if I do not—I could not—do anything to talk him out of his engagement to Ayame….

Maybe it’s because I’ve always respected him. Not only as my master, or as the Prince of Reikai, but also as what he is….

"Botan? Is that you?" I heard him call.

"Yes, Koenma-sama. It’s me," I said.

"Come in."

I obliged.

There were a few onis inside his office. They were running here and there, carrying boxes and papers.

"What’s going on here?!" I asked aloud.

Koenma-sama suddenly appeared behind me. "They’re arranging the things needed for the wedding," Koenma-sama said.

The wedding. All I could do was to grunt in response.

"Oi." I felt his hands close upon my right forearm. As he did, I felt my skin crawl. "I want to show you something."

"Um, what is it?"

Still holding my arm, he took me to his desk and opened a drawer. He picked up a small red velvet box from inside and showed it to me.

I felt my heart plummet to the ground.

"Take a look at it," he said softly, handing it to me.

I uncertainly looked at the box and at Koenma-sama alternately.

"Come on, Botan. Go ahead."

With trembling fingers, I took it. And opened the box.

It was a ring—but of course it was. But this one was different. The band was transparent, and a gem that looked like a ruby from Ningenkai was sent on it. The dark crimson gem was, I knew, one of the rarest in the three worlds. It could be found only in the deepest depths of the Reikai seas, inside dark, inhabitable caves. It was perfectly cut to fit on the ring, and to look amazingly exquisite as well. I couldn’t tear my eyes off it. It was ethereal. 

"I-it’s beautiful, Koenma-sama," I said quietly. I couldn’t even bring myself to close the box. "You’re giving it to Ayame?"

"Yes, on our wedding day."

I lowered my head so as to keep him from seeing the hurt look in my eyes. "Which is on…?"

Koenma-sama heaved a sigh—an excited one, I decided. "When all the moons of Reikai, Ningenkai and Makai are full," he told me. "It happens rarely, like, once in a century."

"And that would be a few weeks from now?"

"Yes," he replied. A few…days, to be sure." He paused for thought. "Eleven days from now."

My head shot up. How much had she missed? It was too near to that date….

…Too late….

"Hey, you look surprised," I heard Koenma-sama say. His eyebrows furrowed, and at the same time, his brown eyes shimmered with intensity and concern.

I was more aware of my knees that had turned to jelly. "I…I just can’t believe it’s…eleven days from now…already," I found myself stuttering. "I-it seems like it was only yesterday when I found out about the news from Yusuke and Keiko."

He let out a chuckle. "Well, days fly faster when you’re happy."

I tried to giggle, but it came out more like a frog’s croak. "Yeah. Happy."

"Yeah." He looked at my face, still smiling from ear to ear. "And by the way, the palace is holding a banquet a day before the wedding…just in case you didn’t know."

I shook my head. "No, I didn’t know…thanks for telling me." Banquet? It only made me sicker to the stomach.

Koenma-sama chuckled again. "Personally this time, ne?"

I forced a laugh. "Uh, yeah…yeah."


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