Q.1. Expand the following terms : Place your cursor on the abbrev. for the correct answer: 5


b) VDU


d) WAN

e) OCR

f) CAM

g) EDP

h) BCD


j) ALU


Q.2 Differentiate between : 12

  1. Interpreter and Compiler
  2. Internal and External Commands
  3. Systems software and Applications software
  4. Command line interface and Graphical user interface
  5. Digital computers and Analog computers
  6. High level language and Low level language
  7. Hardware and Software


Q.3 Give DOS command to perform the following : (any seven) (2x6)=12

Assume that your command prompt is C:\

  1. Listing from any file (say IHM) those lines not containing a specified string ( say "YES").
  2. Copying a file called IHM.DOC from the TEST directory to SALES sub-directory, staying in the root directory.
  3. To print the contents of the root directory in sorted fashion.
  4. Displaying only those files which have .EXE as extension, in pagewise fashion.
  5. To make all the files ‘read only’ in the current directory.
  6. To rename the file ABC.DOC to DEF.DOC.
  7. Pagewise listing of the contents of a big file TEST.
  8. To delete all files having extension .BAK from drive A.


Q.4 Fill in the blanks : Point on the box for the correct answer: 12

  1. The development of chip technology brought about the 3rd generation of computers.
  2. Printed copy is often called hard copy.
  3. MICRcan be used to read characters written in magnetic ink.
  4. Radix in hexadecimal system is 16.
  5. Laserprinters avoid physical impact to transfer characters to paper.
  6. The conversion of a program written in high level language to machine code and vice versa is done by interpretersorcompilers.
  7. The external command diskcopy makes a duplicate of the entire diskette.
  8. The DOS command that is used to examine the status of a hard disk and display a status report is called chkdsk.
  9. The route from the root directory to a particular file is called a path.
  10. A sequence of instructions in computer language to get the desired result is known as program.
  11. At the bottom of the opening screen of Windows 95 we see a bar called task bar.
  12. A small picture that represents an element such as a document, a program, group of programs, etc. is called icon.
  13. Using My Computerwe can access quickly our disk driver, control panel, printers.
  14. A program written in high-level language is called machine independentprogram.




Q.5 Match the following : Place your cursor on the word for the correct answer: 12

  1. MS-DOS
  2. RAM
  3. 1st generation computers
  4. Wild cards
  5. COBOL
  6. Assembly language
  7. Mouse
  8. Printer
  1. Volatile memory
  2. High level language
  3. * ?
  4. Operating system
  5. Low level language
  6. Valves
  7. Output devices
  8. Input devices


Q.6 Using Windows Explorer of Windows 95, write down the procedure to perform the following tasks :4

  1. Create a folder, say ABC, under root directory.
  2. Copy a file , say TEMP, from the Desktop to a floppy disk.
  3. Access Wordpad from the START button of the task bar.
  4. Change the wallpaper.

Q.7 Write short notes on any 3 of the following : 6

  1. Booting
  2. Start button & Task bar
  3. Clipboard
  4. Operating system
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