Frequently Asked Questions

This page contains answers to commonly asked questions.

Click on the question that you would like answered.

  1. What are the Promotional Benchmarks for Kindergarten?

  2. What time do you eat lunch?

  3. When do you have specials?

  4. I'd like to volunteer in the classroom? How may I help?

  5. I'd like to volunteer in the classroom, but I work during school hours. How may I help?

  6. Will my child get a report card?

  7. When will we have a conference?

  8. May I send treats for my child's birthday?

  9. What is Pandi?

What are the Promotional Benchmarks for Kindergarten? 

By the end of the year, kindergartners are expected to complete math on a Level 3, read on an Emergent level, and write on an Emergent Level.

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What time do you eat lunch?

We eat lunch at 10:30. We sit at table 1 on the side of the cafeteria that's closest to the door. If you plan to eat lunch with your child, you must first go to the office and get a visitor's pass. After you get your visitor's pass, please go to the cafeteria and wait for our class.

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When do you have specials?

We have the following specials.

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I'd like to volunteer in the classroom or within the school?  How may I help?

We love to have volunteers in the classroom. The volunteer list suggests the different ways you can help. Please fill it out so we will know how you want to help. If you need another volunteer list sheet, please let me know. Our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is also looking for volunteers. They too have a sign up sheet. 

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I'd like to volunteer in the classroom, but I work during school hours. How may I help?

Please  write me a note or send an e-mail. We will discuss ways you can help outside of school hours. Some possibilities are working as a film club helper, working as a library parent, or preparing materials for the class.

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Will my child get a report card?

The  report card is called the Progress Report. You will receive a Progress Report in January and June.

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When will we have a conference?

  I schedule parent-teacher conferences during the fall and spring. If you wish to schedule a parent-teacher conference at any time other than the scheduled fall and spring, please send a note.

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May I send treats for my child's birthday?

If your child wishes, she/he may bring treats for the class on her/his birthday (or a day close to her/his birthday). Please send me a note at least two days in advance so I can give you the exact number of children in the class, and we can coordinate a time that is convenient for the celebration.

Some children have food allergies. If you are going to bake something, I will need  a list of all the ingredients used to prepare the food. If you purchase something from the store, I will still need a list of all the ingredients used to prepare the food.

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What is Pandi?

Pandi is a stuffed frog who goes home with the children Monday through Thursday. Your child is to have fun with Pandi and have you write about his/her adventures with Pandi. When you write what your child says, please have your child look so she/he can see how letters make words, words make sentences, and sentences make paragraphs. When your child is able to write her/his own sentences, please encourage her/him to write in Pandi's journal.

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