Are You Who You Think You Are
UK Release Date: 15/12/00 Certificate: 15 Official Website
Roger Spottiswoode Producers: Jon Davison, Mike Medavoy & Arnold Scharzenegger Screenplay: Cormac Wibberley & Marianne Wibberley
Arnie's back! Unfortunately in a movie as average as End Of Days. At least it's miles better than Batman And Robin. Thank God he didn't die under the knife when he had heart surgery a couple of years back or Clooney's Bat-caper could have been Arnie's swansong.
Tomorrow Never Dies director Roger Spottiswoode helms this tale of cloning in the not-so-distant future. The story taps into today's fears about the real possibility of human cloning. When I first heard about this film I had imagined Arnie fighting clones of himself, which might have made for a pretty cool couple of hours. sadly, this is not the case. Schwarznegger plays Adam Gibson, a helicopter pilot who srrives home from work one day to hto find himself already there enjoying birthday cake, cigars and rumpy-pumpy with his missus. Human cloning is illegal, but evil media mogul Drucker (Tony Goldwn) is doing it anyway. He can save people's brainprints, then download them into blank embryos, creating an exact clone in two hours. Like saving your game on a computer game just before a tricky bit. Drucker has a band of henchmen that can be re-cloned ad infinitum everytime Arnie take sone of them out.
Never one to take these things lying down, Arnie goes after Drucker and his evil corportation. The movie improves considerably once Arnie starts slaying people, rather than doing his usual poor impersonation of an-all-American family man. The worst part of the movie has to be when Arnie meets his own clone and they try to banetr with each other. Thankfully there's not too much of this.

Not an especially bad movie, but just not note-worthy either.
6th Day
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