Get some action
UK Release Date
: 24/11/00 Certificate: 15 Official Website
: McG Producers: Leonard Goldberg, Drew Barrymore & Nancy Juvonen Screenplay: Ryan Rowe, Ed Solomon &John August
Lucy Lui
Lovely Lucy Lui, gorgeous Cameron Diaz and... erm, Drew Barrymore star in this big screen update of TV show Charlie's Angels. This is an excellent movie, probably the best since Mission: Impossible 2. It's an absolute joy to behold such style over substance. It's got everything that makes big Hollywood movies great.
For the first half of the movie you've basically got the Angels, Alex (Lui), Natalie
(Diaz) and Dylan (Barrymore) going out and completing different parts of their mission, dressing up, using cool gadgets and doing some great post-Matrix martial arts stuff (the fight sequences were arranged by The Matrix's team). I was concerned that producer Barrymore's barmy "no guns" rule might make the film lack punch, but the martial arts stuff is incredibly cool, and for once there's a satisfying amount of it too (unlike semi-chick-flick Romeo Must Die). The martial arts, cool lines, great soundtrack and another effortlessly funny performance from the great Bill Murray make this a must-see movie.
This is what movies are supposed to be like. Just great, fun, entertainment. Unfortunately that makes it the sort of film that people say "Just switch off your brain" about. And, "Oh, yeah, like that would really happen" in a smug, 'I'm cleverer than film-makers' way.  Oh, yes, thankyou, lucky you said that or we might all have thought it was real. If you want to see something that would really happen, don't go to the cinema, you freaks. That's what films are there for. 

A masterpiece. One of the most genuinely entertaining movie ever...
The babelicious Cameron Diaz
The plot concerns the kidnap of Eric Knox, a computer genius who has developed software for locating people by voice-recognition. If it falls into the wrong hands it could mean the end of privacy for everyone. So Charlie's Angels are called in. Given their orders through Bosley (Bill Murray), as Charlie never reveals himself, the highly trained Angels do their missions with all the fast cars and toys that millionaire Charlie Townsend can supply them with.  There's even a Bond-style pre-title sequence, which sees them completing another mission.
McG's direction is great; he shows talent for directing action and violence very
stylishly, while gratuitously showing off the Angels' charms at every opportunity. You find yourself smiling almost all the way through the film.
It's a very postmodern movie, with references to the amount of movies which are based on TV shows these days. This is all accomplished in a very affectionate way, making the movie more fun and humourous. As well as Murray, a supporting cast including Tom Green and Matt LeBlanc provide a lot of laughs too. None of the reported arguments on set seem to have affected the finished product, the Angels all seem like great friends enjoying themselves, and it's great fun.
Charlie's Angels
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