A Timeless Story of Strength, Secrets and Two Warriors Who Would Never Surrender
Official Website
Ang Lee  Producers: Bill Kong, Hsu Li Kong & Ang Lee  Screenplay: Wang Hui Ling, James Schamus & Tsai Kuo Jung
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon has been given a wider distribution since scooping four Oscars and being nominated for almost every category in the BAFTAs this year. It's well worth going to see this martial arts epic; it will probably be unlike any other movie you see this year, and undoubtedly boasts more exciting and frequent action than most Hollywood action blockbusters.
Double-hard Wudan Warrior Li Mu Bai (John Woo's old signature-actor Chow Yun-Fat) decides to retire from the world of cool martial 
arts and sword-play. He sends his unrequited love-interest Yu Shu Lien (Tommorrow Never Dies' Michelle Yeoh) with his four hundred-year-old magical sword, the Green Destiny, as a gift for his mate Sir Te in Beijing. This shatters his hopes for a little peace and quiet, though, and causes a load more trouble, when it is stolen by the gorgeous Jen (Zhang Zi Yi).
Fortunately, the plot gives way to plenty of fantastic fight sequences. Although the performances are good, it is the action that really makes Crouching Tiger shine. Arranged by Matrix choreographer Yuen Wo Ping, the chopsocky here outclasses that of the Wachowski Brothers film, and is satifyingly frequent. There's a plethora of martial arts and Wuxia (fantasy swordplay), and the Wudan-trained combatants can fly!
The epic scale and backdrops combine with the smooth action and great performances to make a beautiful movie that really should be enjoyed on
a cinema-screen. There's even a (nicely understated) tragic love story that will go some way towards keeping the chicks in the audience happy. 10/10
Buy the DVD:
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon [2000]
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