Think You're Alone? Think Again.
Hollow Man
Release Date: 29/09/00 Certificate: 18 Official Website
: Paul Verhoeven Producers: Douglas Wick & Alan Marshall Screenplay: Andrew W. Marlowe
In a secret underground laboratory the slightly unethical Dr. Sebastian Caine (Kevin Bacon) and his team are experimenting with invisibilty as part of a project for the Pentagon. They have discovered that turning animals invisible (or Phase-Shifting) is easy, they've done cats, dogs and gorillas, but reversing the process is a bit trickier. When they find the secret though, Caine elects to be the first human subject. Once see-through he has a bit of laugh scaring his collegues and groping the female ones for a few days. The reversal process doesn't work on him though. The combination of this, finding out that his ex (Elizabeth Shue) is sleeping with his mate and the realisation that he can get away with almost anything tips him over edge , and he becomes a total sociopath. You can pinpoint the moment he changes because he says to himself, "Don't even think about it... but who'd know?" and proceeds to rape his neighbour.

This wasn't quite the type of movie I expected. It seems to promise that Caine will leave the lab and run amok, but instead, it's more of an
Alien-type movie, with a small group of people trapped in a confined place annd being hunted by an unseen creature. The CGI is work is very impressive, both the Phase-Shifting process, as Caine is disappeared one layer at a time, in loads of detail, and in the glimpses you catch of him in smoke, water and blood.

There's plenty of tension and excitement, although the climactic ladder-chase has become something of a cliche. Bacon gives a suitably sinister performance. More impressive as it's mainly done with just his voice, and he still manages a lot more presence on the screen than most of his co-stars.
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