Director: Stuart Baird  Producer: Rick Berman  Screenplay: John Logan
UK Release Date: 03/01/2003  Certificate: 12A  Official Website
I hate Star Trek.

If you like it, though, there's plenty to excite you here. Interminable exposition leading to a disappointing action sequence? You got it. Cringeworthy humour? Check. More pretentious wank about defining the human condition? You bet.
"I just want to know what it means to be human," drawls Shinzon (Tom Hardy), the bad guy.
This time around the
Next Generation crew have to face what all movie heroes fear the most: a British villain. In fact, a younger clone of Enterprise Captain Jean Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) himself. Hmmm, evil doubles, really breaking new science-fiction ground there aren't they? And his evil plan? To destroy Earth. You'd think more evil aliens would think of doing that.

As the movie opens the flagship of Starfleet is engaged in a gripping mission. Riker and Troi's wedding. They ever were an insipid bunch, and Shinzon is easily the most interesting thing about the movie, a hammy English villain with some good lines, but not nearly enough witticisms, or ham for that matter.
Data (Brent Spiner), too finds an evil double. Another one, that is. I thought he already had an evil brother out there, but strangely no-one thinks that the new one they find could be him, or even mention it. Creating one evil android could be considered a misfortune. Creating two is carelessness.

This allegedly the final voyage for the
Next generation crew. Talk about going out with a whimper. An attempt to go for some Wrath Of Khan-stylee sad ending doesn't work, as they kill the most annoying character. Hopefully I'm not spoiling anything for you, it is, after all, a pretty close-run contest on that one.

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