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By Frank
Since 09/09/1996

North Star, Lake Tahoe - 07/28/01

This is my second time going to North Star. A lot of fun. Of course, your fun level varies a little with which bike you bring along with you ... haha~ This time around, i brought along with me my new Titus Quasi Moto. Oh boy, what a difference it made! Of course, it does! Looking at the travel on both ends. I just can't compare it with my FSR XC S-WORK. I would be comparing apple to orange if I do. It just got me thinking ... how come my friends suddenly ride so slow now? hehe~ (don't blame me, blame the bike, haha~) Anyway, here is a snap shot of me @ North Star. I was, again, temped to bring along my camera when I ride, since I have so much time just sitting there on the ski lift, but man, taking the camera along is just running too much risk of breaking it ... so, still no ski lift pic ... Not much pic, just one. Fully geared, I hope I have a body armor though ... hehe~

The bike and I

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