You are definately like a little bro to me babe ... :o) ... and u can always be sure of a protective arm by your side, and not only with me but Jo n Cheryl too. We all have a soft spot for the young badboy, hehe.

... not to mention those voice chat serenades and growls mmmmmmm, hehe.

There is not a person that I know that has spoken to u through me that has taken anything but a positive outlook on what a great person u are ... :o) ... and in knowin u I feel that u will always be so.

The young lad that will go on to achieve all his goals and always be on that top rung of the ladder ... :0p ... whether it be through those sometimes hilarious schemes of yours or just through your sheer brilliant mind. I would be very surprised if u didnt make something of yourself as the years go on.

There are alot of people your age and older that could certainly learn a lesson or two from u ... :o) ... and am sure that any bewtiful young lass in the US on ya travels will find out just how special u are too, she certainly is one lucky gal.

Cos your a babe ... :o) ...

One of my sweet young babes ... :o) ...

It's amazing the people u meet outside of general chat, yet within the realms of pager, icq and the like.

Badboy Steve is one such person, and I could never imagine havin not talked to this sweet young lad. One of the nicest boys u could ever come across, he never has a cross word to say about anyone ... :o) .... and is one of the most caring and meaningful people for his age that I know.

You are definately years beyond your time babe.

Whether the conversation touches the depth of history and spirituality, or goes the path of cars and music, I can always be certain that neither of us will be bored by our chat ... :o) ... only sometimes I am unsure as to who is teachin who, lol. As I feel that I have probably learnt as much from my friendship with young Steve, as he perhaps has me.





Sweet, adorable, gorgeous ... ummm badboy hehe ... :o) ...

The young star in the makin, years ahead of his time and whose a head above the rest































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