I knows how much of a party animal Rob is so am sure sooner or later we will see his face grace our party times ... :o) ... and to be truthful I can't wait to see if he gets up to as much mischief as he brags to me how he is Pembie's local larrikin.

That is when his sweet g/f isnt keepin him sharply in line, hehe.

Which is a sure let-down for alot of the young gals in chat who think he's a bit of alright ... :0p ... but guess that is cheeky Rob all over, lmao !!!

Cos the general consensus is that Rob is probably an original wild-child, who lives life ragged ... :o) ... but then again what footballer do u know that isnt umm, uhuh yeppers, hehe ... I shall say no more, lol.

Wuvs ya babe, even if u get me into all kinds of bother ... :o) ... and dont forget the 'pig' is always there ready and waiting, so one of these days .....

Well what can I say ... :0p ... Rob is definately one of those young footballers with attitude, lmao !!!

Nah he's kewl ... :o) ... the very first perthite I ever spoke to in chat, this young lad sure has a way of getting peoples attention, hehe. A chip off the ol' block tho cos his mum is sure a character as well, so I can sure guess where he gets all that charisma and humour from, lol.

Was our mutual luv of the game that first got us talkin alongside Streaky and Carrelly, and realistically I guess I can say that we have been thru some times in chat. Not to mention some rather interestin telephone conversations, hmmm how many times I got the 'get off the net marchin orders', hehe.

I actually remember Rob once sayin that we had an uncanny knack of being able to talk about anything and everything like ol' friends rather then just 2 people that used to bump into each other in chat over the whiles ... :o) ... which is kewl cos I count him as one of my good friends and there is always a smile and a ummm emote waiting for him when he graces chat with his presence, lol.






Hot and happy surfer dude ... :o) ...

My first chat babe and the one with the most attitude, hehe.































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