~ PERTH Locals 1~





Perth, Perth, Perth....... well what can I say...... its HOME ..... :o)

... and the Perth Locals room has become the family room for many if not all of us !!





Took me a while but I finally got up the courage to actually meet some of u ... :o) hehe.... well I am a shy nun remember ... :0p ... ok ok no smart comments there from the peanut gallery lmao !! I mean I chickened out of the Sheraton gig ... :o( ... still regret not meeting Given and Jyra but all good things come to those that wait ... :o) ... and New Years rolled around a week later. So found myself partyin with Grim, Shay and Simp soon enuff hehe, was a nite to remember indeed.

From there it has all seemed to just gone from strength to strength. I think that I almost lived at Scarborough for weeks ... :o) ... and couldnt have thought of a better place to head to at 3 in the mornin lol. My car is still on auto-pilot when I point it in that direction, lord knows if I drive past that way I always get the lookout urge ... :0p ...lmao !!! Mind u I think half the neighbours in the area remember us too, oh lord !!!

But the lookout and neighbours, boy thats a whole other page of stories, hehe ! I think that the Perthies have a habit of makin impressions where ever they party ... :0p ... from Lancelin to Mandurah.

((( Sighs ))) oh for the good 'ol days ... :o) ...


I recall from my early days of chat that apart from one person, yes Hotguy/Rob thats u ...:o) ... for many months I didnt even know a soul from Perth. Though over the weeks with my habitual flitterin between the rooms hehe, I came to see a few familar names, namely Grimace, Shayshell, Simple, Whip and Given2fly ... :o) ... Then through my friendship with the one and only Dools I came to meet Chelle (even if not under the best circumstances but we have a laugh over that dont we hehe), Ghosty and Spide (both of whom it seems may even be related to me, not bad cous seein as I refused your first friends invite cos I didnt know who the hell u were ... :0p ... but of course I wuvs ya now lol !!)















So with the amount of quality of us Perthies, was only a matter of time before we got privileged with our own stomping ground. The Brainchild of Grimace, the Perth Locals room came into it's own, with the first offical visitor being Wachicky, the party queen in our midst ... :o) ... and now it is unusual not to find it over flowing into 3 or even more rooms. Lol !!! the reject rooms as some of us have labelled them hehe.

A home away from home, which characters galore. Romie u are one person not many can forget, and I hope u dont mind me including a selection of your Perth Wav's on this page, cos they really bring out the Local's room finesse hehe. Bugly, well what can I say other then those that she has touched will never forget her ... :o) ...

Of course, like any other room we have had our up's n down's. We get our fair share of tossers, but I would like to think that we are champions at turnin peoples to good. We've done the Perthaholics club and failed lol, oh wells atleast we tried hehe !! But for most of us, the memories that we have shared have been bright ones, the numerous party pic's will attest to that.













Along the way, alot of peoples have come and gone tho for most of us we have been lucky enough to stay in touch ... :o) ... and reunion gatherings are becomin the way. For even if there are those that no longer pop in to say HI ! they are still within our hearts and the thought of the good times brings us wonderful memories. I guess in many instances chat has rolled over into reality in that we will always get to bump into one another at some time, as that is what those friendships gained are all about.

Yes, times within the Perth Locals room sure have changed. Thru the people that now chat, and the times that have now altered, but for alot of us that were there in the beginning, there will always be those memorable times in the back of our minds that will keep us smilin. Cos we really did become somewhat of a family ... :o) ... and there are those that simply wouldnt have gotten thru the bad times without that, and I knows that many are grateful. The bottom line however, is that we will always be like family in some way or another. Change cant alter the fun times we all had together, the friendships we made, and the relationships we now see to have blossomed into something so much more.

In alot of ways it is like the room has evolved, as the pioneers move on with their lives, and the next band of chatters move to the forefront. I know there are those that say chat is not reality, but in some small ways it is a life unto itself, and the next generation of the Perth Locals Room seems to have been born.




ROMES Perth Sound

Wav's ... :o) (comin soon)




Chatters ... :o)





Picture Gallery ... :o)

(Coming soon)




Visitors ... :o)







So to all my fellow chatters and friends in the Perth Locals room, I say thank you for the memories ... :o) ... they will never be forgotten.

Come meet the old 'n' new regulars, the outsiders, my friends and play-mates.......................










Fun and Games .. :0p

(what do locals really get up to)






















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