Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join 

Name/Alias :   milein
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   yeh we try our best to do what we can
Name/Alias :   Deb
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   you guys are sick!! Whasssuppp?
Name/Alias :   Dymo
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   sweet gig on thursday night fellas u all went off tap it was good pity there wasnt more people there but oh well u get that catch yas later
Name/Alias :   Adrian
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Sweet set on Thurs guys. I dont think my pics will turn out that well because it was really dark on stage, oh well.
Name/Alias :   Shaunus
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   Hey guys cool site, heard yas had a great gig last night. Spewing i missed it. Anyway, hope to see ya live soon, catch
Name/Alias :   dymo
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   good luck tonight fellas should be a good night as long as it doesnt go anywhere near as late as DV8
Name/Alias :   Shiobhan
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   what homepage?
What do you have to say? :   umm actually im at work and just really really bored so i thought i would surf..... i like the new look though its very ummmm.. blue looking forward to your gig woo hoo. catch.
Name/Alias :   Me
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Its all good!
Name/Alias :   Twiggy
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Hey sorry I missed your gig at dv8...I was in hospital so yeah was kinda hard for me to get there. Ill be at the next one though :)
Name/Alias :   Repture
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   sorry we couldnt stay to see your set we had to go record early in the morning. if you want to set up some gigs call mel - 0400042794 later,
Name/Alias :   nixie
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   dv8 was fun.. pity about the time and stuff but at least you played.. headlined.. yay! anyhoo well have to see how inflation goes eh! have fun and good luck peeps.. and dont forget... milein smells =P
Name/Alias :   Nik D (orbs)
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   Goin sick fellas! spewin i missed yas the other week, but ill make it up to yas, swear on it. keep wreckin shit boys! from the orbsmeister
Name/Alias :   repture
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   dv8 sucks, the headlining abnd plays too late, sorry for not staying for your guys set, well set up another gig soon
Name/Alias :   me too - ty
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   the photos are coming hang on.... Plus the site will have a whole new look soon.... in about a week or so.... The DV8 gig was fun. But i was too funked to play... I think... ..........i have a question........ WHO IS ME?????
Name/Alias :   dymo
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   ???
What do you have to say? :   good shit last night at dv8 fellas it was sick im so tired though
Name/Alias :   shababon
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   gold.......
What do you have to say? :   ummmm not much, looking forward to Legions next gig and Moneras on saturday yehhhh Dv8 nice excitment.....the site is cool as very entertaining blah blah blah bye love ya ty bow.....
Name/Alias :   repture
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   look forward to playing with you guys on the 6th at deviate
Name/Alias :   Mark Dymo
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   what the?????
What do you have to say? :   good shit at the espy fellas it went off and fuckin hell im sore keep workin hard stay brutal n very very heavy catch yas l8r
Name/Alias :   mike D
E-mail Address :   shuddap
Homepage :   pfft
What do you have to say? :   hey ty i really like tour new song butterd friend it nice and fucken heavy dude keep it up man you guys r kicken ass ps. come around and say hi one day dude. cya
Name/Alias :   Me
E-mail Address :   using friends puter
Homepage :   dont have one
What do you have to say? :   Ive just been through the whole site and have found it quite an amazing piece of work. Tyson, you have obviously put an enormous amount of work into it. It really is quite magnificent. By the way, I love dreamscar
Name/Alias :   nixie
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage : -
What do you have to say? :   our gigs on wednesday tyson not thursday! and i want a free cd! and do i have to pay ? im a tightarse.. will i even be able to get in? i better or else there will be trouble!! mums coming too so it should be okay.. good luck dudes!!! rawwkkk onn!!
Name/Alias :   Nixie
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   Well Tyson signs our book a million times so I thought Id return the favour! Ive been continuously downloading all your songs from getting boring now though =P Also I saw yer clip! For Buttered Friends! At Coburg Validrome! Sickest pla
Name/Alias :   milly
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   hey guys im im palm springs which is roughly 200 miles from L A we also went to San diego and were are heading to Vagas toimmorow for my birthday then back to L A before i jet back home tyson your gonna love all the footage i took its great!!!!! im havin
Name/Alias :   Nixie
E-mail Address :   
Homepage : !!!
What do you have to say? :   Some guy held a gun to my head and told me to sign Moneras guestbook... again. Ended up being a water gun. He sure fooled me.
Name/Alias :   Cristina aka Fadge
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   well hehe scribble your babble thats funny. umm its late but hopefully ill be able to come to the espy, you guys sound great and your bassist justin is extra good
Name/Alias :   J
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   just got back from wagga today.....fuck im well wasted at my sisters 21st...hehe.......anyways....everyone get down to the espy gig........its gonna be rockkin..........hope 2 c u there...laTer
Name/Alias :   Milein
E-mail Address :   reek
Homepage :   blat dun dun blat dun dun
What do you have to say? :   ive got alot ti say actually this new job has been caining my ass i have to haul heavy furnitutre around all day and its tiring but then i have to work with mr racist with all his slander im going to go nuts worked with another guy named justin today h
Name/Alias :   J
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   this one
What do you have to say? :   weve all got our monera tats now .......4 u that didnt know already.........its the symbol on the tv b4 u enter the site n theyre lookin wiked:)...........newayz.....hope 2 get some gigs happenin soon so well keep u all posted......later
Name/Alias :   Anthony
E-mail Address :   that is for me to know, and everybody else to disregard.
Homepage :   see above
What do you have to say? :   Alot. Ty your new page looks sweet as candy... may the bovine gods bestow you with their infinite wisdom. and screw you hippy- get a tatt before me will you! Hassan Chop! um yeah... im too blasted to be writing coherently... er, bye..
Name/Alias :   mike (lozs bro)
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   hey tyson,visit our new website i think its pretty cool, probably not as good as yours(bastard)but cool .anyway its sign the guestbook too. cya.
Name/Alias :   J
E-mail Address :   ihfihlr
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Thanx 2 everyone 4 comin to the gig......n thanx 2 luke n zoi 4 hookin us up wif it.......n thanx 2 nix 4 bein the 1st n only person 2 comment on it on our ripped n so will legion tomoz...later....J
Name/Alias :   nixie
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   aus
What do you have to say? :   you guys went off today! yay!! so much fun. i got photos! ill email em to ya all.. or something thanks for a funky show!! =P i got badly burnt tho.. :( oh well keep rocking dudes
Name/Alias :   icshit
E-mail Address :   icshit_AT_hotmale
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   HOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!! if monera is having a gig..they should tell this one about it.. otherwise she wont know, wont get to go and miss out on all the fun boo hoo
Name/Alias :   J
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   OK was was ur weight....i just pulled the chair.......sorry....:( can i come party now:D
Name/Alias :   Nixie
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
What do you have to say? :   I thought that youd all like to know that Justin likes to break chairs and blame it on other people... *ahem* Youre not coming to my birthday party Justin! *runs away*
Name/Alias :   Steve F.
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Really liking the new site design.
Name/Alias :   christina
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   i havent been to any of moneras gigs but i hear ur awesome and i cant wait till the 30th. c ya all there
Name/Alias :   Steve F
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Really digging your latest stuff, guys. Id come see you play on the 30th, but that shits too far away for me, so... yeah. Comment for the site: get rid of those damn transition effects youve got going on. Transition effects = stupid.
Name/Alias :   christina
E-mail Address :   
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   i reckon monera kiscks ass so whoeva disagrees is a fucked up stupid piece of shit.
Name/Alias :   Alice...
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
What do you have to say? :   Well Tyson, its good to see your year at resa wastnt wasted! Im ever so slightly impressed with the site!! Be at the gig...u might be suprised to hear ull be playing alongside johnnys new band..they are pretty damn good! Catchup soon carfucker!!
Name/Alias :   J
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   this one
Best Gig Youve Ever Been To? :   deftones
Why? :   y? stupid question
Entry for Word Of The Month :   FUCK
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   Thank God were out of the studio!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   Monera has a totally different feel to the last demo so i hope ur all ready for it!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure u all come 2 the gig!!!!! n grab urself a copy of our ep... :)
Name/Alias :   Rorz
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   
Best Gig Youve Ever Been To? :   Fucked if i can remember!?! Manson, Slipknot, BloodDuster, Pantera or DamageD (last gig at punters = R.I.P Punters!)
Why? :   They all went off tap! Last gig at Punters Club, til it turned fuckin all upper-class like!
Entry for Word Of The Month :   Chestnut!
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   I wan a man with a furry back and a hairy sack, back crack sack!
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   Hey Ty, love the eyes, in the illustrations, where you get the idea for that ;) Sites lookin good! Peace out
Name/Alias :   Renata :P
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :   no
Best Gig Youve Ever Been To? :   no justin i told you im not answering these
Why? :   no again i say no
Entry for Word Of The Month :   huh?
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   ohhhhh when im walking a dark road i am a man who walks alone...
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   justin i like your type of music even though its not 80s early 90s metal like the great bands like iron maiden, skid row, megadeath, manowar and iced earth, but anyway nobody can be like them, not even batina lmao well done and good luck sweety mwa
Name/Alias :   Shiobhan
E-mail Address :   no
Homepage :   no
Best Gig Youve Ever Been To? :   Moneras First Gig.
Why? :   Cos Tyson Looked Fuckin Hot On Stage.
Entry for Word Of The Month :   Rollbacker2000
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   Jellyman, Offspring Offspring, Jellyman
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   This Website Looks Pro. Pure Gold. Gold Gold Gold.
Name/Alias :   Brutal Luke
E-mail Address :   [email protected]
Homepage :
Best Gig Youve Ever Been To? :   there has been too many though one highlight was destroyer 666 o so many moons ago
Why? :   was their last gig in melbourne, spikes, leather, women, metal, beer etc what more could you want!
Entry for Word Of The Month :   jianormous jubblies
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   you see cant have it!
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   GooD JOB TYSON...the site is loking fuckin beautiful. seriously un fuckin beliveable. My comments arent really questions nor are they suggestions, so maybe i shouldnt be typing them in this box....hmmmm.... maybe that is the suggestion - make a comments
Name/Alias :   Macdaddy
Occupation :   oh yeh
Fav. Band :   korn
Why? :   its cold
Fav. Tantric Position :   i like the antartic too
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   very good for your mind and your big mummas titties HAHAHAHAHAH
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   oh tyson it looks so cool man when you said you were gonna revamp the site i didnt expect this YYYYYYAAAAAYYYYY
Name/Alias :   Ty
Occupation :   Freak
Fav. Drug :   Snail Pellets
Fav. Smell :   Custard
Fav. Tantric Position :   Rollbacker 2000
Entry for Quote Of The Month: :   So yeah Like You Know The Lot With like 3 Cherrys Or maybe A dog tic
Answer To Quiz On The Other Pics Page: :   A big long scoooooooby Doooooby
Questions/Suggestions for site? :   Why does no one visit this site. Its cool and interesting, and i spent alot of hours bludging at work on it....Hmmm.... Bludging.....Thats right.......Bludging..........Hmmmmm......Yes...........Bludging.......
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