14th: After about a week of waiting for reply's from bass players all over Melbourne we were a little anxious about finding a new Moneran to join the gang. Then when we least expected it, Ben, our old bass player from the original line-up in 2001 rocked up at our doorstep as he dose every now and again and It basically went like this: Tyson: So Ben   Ben: Yep sure I love to join Monera! Well it didn't exactly go like that but it was close! So arent all you people glad that we have a new bass player.
We have had a couple of rehearsals with Ben and allready written some new material that is guarantied to move your inards!

8th: For the last 2 Months we have been concentrating on writing new songs and getting new ideas for our live and recorded sounds. If you haven't allready read the update on the home page, then you would't know that Phil has left Monera due to other music directions he is taking. This leaves us with one less musician. We are still rehearsing, writing and performing all our songs as our normal 3 peice line-up, Yet Justin and I (Ty) have decided to both play guitar parts  (due to the recent aquisition of our new BC.Rich Guitars. "Warlock" & "Beast").
So basicly we need all the bass players in Melbourne that are interested to ask if they can join MONERA - HARCORE METAL!
If you are a bass player and you do wanna join just give us an E-mail or give our guestbook a visit!

Yep, looks like we did absolutly nothing in April.... Acctually we did quite a bit. Truth is, we couldn't be fucked doin the website stuff cos we were so busy. Anyway, here's the news for this month and last month seeing as you missed out in April. We had a great gig at Inflation with our Hardcore Hyper-Rock buddies, Translate on the 15th of April. We gave Inflation a good old Crunchy Hardcore Metal beating that i'm sure  everyone enjoyed. For the people who want more we are now in the process of writing lots more new material, lots more HEAVY material. So keep your ears bleeding.... more Monera music is coming soon....


The last few months have gradually been getting busy latley and we havent had much time to update the site, but yet it's a good thing for any band to be busy really. With a private birthday party gig that we are doing tommorow night and the Inflation Nightclub show in April with Translate  we are delving deeply into rehearsals and getting as many songs down as we can. With our newly aquired guitarist Phil we are hard at it at writing much more material and having heaps of fun incoprpirating his techniques into our overall style.


It's been a little while since we've had and news to ramble on about. So here is some cool news so you all wont get bored. We now have a new member in Monera. Phil, from Dragonfly filled in as a second guitarist and vocalist at the Espy Gig on friday the 20th. And since the gig, Phil is officialy a member of Monera (we better get some band photo's done). And speaking of the gig, Thankyou all very much for coming along (if you came). We had so much fun and im sure if you were there you did too!. We have a gig shortly on the 6th of March @ Deviate Nightclub in the city with Block and Repture, so come down to that one. We are writing some new material so hopefully you'll get to hear it first hand on March 6th. We also gave out many many copies of the 2003 EP out to people at the Espy on Friday night. Hope you all enjoy!


All our latest tracks are now available on andThank You everyone for your overwhelming responce to the downloading of our mp3's at it's been great and we are loving the support and effort your putting in to promote bands like us.... And if you havent Downloaded any of our tracks... Hop To It... It's Free... why Not!
We are getting geard up for the Feb 20 gig so hoprfully you are too... Posters will be up soon.... and copies of our CD are in the making NOW so if you've got $8 to save, and your over 18 get down to the Espy on the 20th by  8:30pm  it's gunna go OFF....TAP!!!!


We have a confirmed gig for Friday the 20th of February at the Espy in St Kilda (The Gershwin Room) and its on friday night so hopefully all you people out there who wanna come along have that saturday free and some spare money for a bit of beer and great music. Humanizerr gig also put there foot in the door for our spot. Thanks guys.
Our E.P. is all finished now and we have a winning cover design for the CD and it's number 3... Thanks for voting people.
We will have the cd's for you to grab at our upcoming gigs with all 6 cool tracks on them.

The gig at the Darebin Music Festival went real nice seening as it was a boiling hot mo fo day of like 30c - 35c. Dragonfly also played and we all had alot of fun specialy after gig when monera had an exclusive visit to the pool and cool'd off witch F**King rocked. Thanks to the people that came down. You know who your are and you are.... Very Cool.
Thanks to Dragonfly and Zoi for the gig, the support, and the water


Going in to re-record vocals on friday for kill for you and hopefully some other classic songs that you monera fans may still remember. Plus tonight is our last prac before the FREE November 30th gig. Milein's also got aniother gig with legion on December 6th so get your arses down there for that. For more details of their gig go to the Legion website

We are going into SAE tonight to do some mixing of the new songs
that were recorded at the F**K'd  hours of 2am - 10am on two Fridays a couple of weeks ago. Last week we completed a nice mix of Red and it sounds wickedy wicked. Oh yeah, Me (Ty), Just, Milly and Tim hav tix to see KORN......F**K YEAH.... With STATIC-X and FEAR FACTORY.
Go Tim

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