A Guide to the Characters of Monsters, Inc.

Sulley - a.k.a James P. Sullivan

Voice: John Goodman

He's the hero of the movie, the main character, and everything else inbetween. Sulley is the top scarer at Monsters, Inc., yet has a really sweet heart as well. Dispite his fame, he's a really nice, down-to-earth guy. Although he looks awfully cute with his blue fur and purple spots he can really be terrifying if he watns to! His movements are sometimes similar to that of a bear's and he has also been compared to a gorilla, but he's really a monster of his own kind. In an artical about the making of Monsters, Inc., the animators said that they wanted him to be a huge and heavy guy, but not slow. He's described as being like a line-backer, who's big and powerful but can really move when he wants too. The workout routine from the beginning and the pic below both prove that. Another very cool thing about Sulley is his fur. Watch the detail with which each individual strand moves.

Mike Wazowski

Voice: Billy Crystal

Mike is Sulley's scare assistant, best bud, and room mate. He's also the comedic relief in the movie. Mike is just one big, hyper, green eye ball and tends to make a big deal of it. His brow is constantly moving, showing the most interesting expressions. He's very talkative, and can go on forever. When Sulley is getting beat up by Randall, he's so busy trying to apologize that he doesn't even notice! Me probably doesn't enjoy being short very much, because even his girlfriend is taller than him. He also tends to be the victim of tons of pain. Throughout the corse of the movie Mike is stretched, smushed, twisted, and sat on. Ouch!


Voice: Mary Gibbs - A real four-year-old!

Isn't she the most adorable thing? This kid is probably what most makes this movie so loveable, and she doesn't even talk! Boo is the cute little two-year-old that Sulley accidentally lets in to the monster world. She and Sulley are perfect for each other, Boo just thinks of him as a big "kitty!" She's not afraid of anything, except Randall, her "monster." She runs around terrifying all the other monsters, simply by saying "boo!", which is how she gets her name. Boo is even fearless enough to go through the rollercoaster door ride with a grin on her face. She also enjoys coloring, and is quite artistic. To disguise her in the factory, Mike and Sulley make a monster costume out of a mop, some chair fabric, and 2 lamp heads. (Those look curiously similar to Pixar's mascot. . .)

Randall Boggs

Voice: Steve Buscemi

The creepy villian! Randall is definitely the "scariest" monster of the movie. He struts around being mean and nasty to all! Randall is in second place on the scare charts, and will do anything to get to the top. That's where his plan to "revolutionize the scaring industry" comes in. He wants to kidnap children and use a machine he developed, called the Scream Extractor, to suck the screams out of them. He might not seem like much of a threat, because he's pretty short and skinny compared to Sulley. However, according to Bogg's Blog he stands at around 5 feet tall and he has one cool ability that makes up for any lack in size. Randall, like a chemeleon, can change his skin color and blend perfectly in with the background. No one ever saw him coming! He also has multiple limbs with suction fingers and toes, so he seemed a lot more at home jumping from door to door than the other characters during the chase scene. Randall ending up paying for his cruelness, though, as he is now spending his time in the everglades.

He was "going for the snake-slash-ninja approch. . . with a little hissin'" (Sorry, lol!)


Voice: Jennifer Tilly Celia is Mike's girlfriend and also sports only one eye as well as some cool snake-ish hair. They're the perfect couple, but sadly, she tends to have problems understanding what Mike is talking about a lot of the time. After the disaster at her birthday dinner, she gets *very* mad at him, for not explaining anything to her. Her job is the receptionist at the front dest of M.I., meaning she gets sit around all day saying "Monsters, Inc., please hold and anounce any important news over the loud speaker. (How fun ^-^)


Voice: Bob Peterson (o.0) The dreaded dispatch manager. To enter the Monsters, Inc. scare floor, all employees must go past the dispatch office and Roz the queen slug of paper work. Her personality perfectly fits the sign posted on her window that reads "It's My Way Or The Highway." (*Starts humming Limp Bizkit. Um... no) Mike gets smashed fingers for his dissappearing scare reports. In reality though, Roz is really 001 of the CDA, undercover because they got a tip something was going on down at everyone's favorite scare factory. We also see in the bloopers, that The "monster" who plays Roz was a real prankster on the set, lol.


Voice: No idea

(It's not really a character, but I thought I'd include it anyway...) Also known as the Child Detection Agency, their job is to prevent interaction, interference, but most of all contamination from Humans and the Human world. All CDA monsters wear yellow and black protection suits that cover them from eyeball to tail, carry tons of high tech gadgets which don't seem to do anything. ;) and are ready to leap out of vans and helicopers at any notice. (The call of 2319!) Unfortunately, if they think you've been contaminated it's not going to be plesant.


Voice: James Coburn

Waternoose is the old CEO of Monters, Inc. He's the 3rd of his family to run the scare factory and really wants it to succeed. Unfortunately, because of the sream shortage it isn't doing too well, which leads him to search for another source of energy, and allow Randall to develope the Scream Extractor. It's a little creepy, because he seems like such a nice, grandfatherly character. Sulley's his favorite employee, they even exchange a fun joke together. Yet, we do get some hints such as, "Oh no. Not the CDA!" and in the end find out he was really part of the conspiracy the whole time.


Voice: Frank Oz

He's a nerdy guy, with thick glasses for all three of his eyes. Fungus is Randall's scare assistant(as you can see in the pics above), but unlike Sulley and Mike, they aren't the perfect match. Fungus is constantly being bullied by Randall. He's also pretty meek so he gets yelled at a lot, and Randall doesn't really listen to him at all. He always listens to and does whatever Randall tells him to do, making him a important part of the scream extractor project.

The Abominable Snowman - A.K.A Yeti

Voice: John Ratzenberger

This big snowy monster, lives in Siberia after his banishment and is now an urban legand in Monstropolis. I wonder if any mountain climbers ever wondered what a steel door was doing standing all by itself in the arctic circle? When I first saw him, I thought he looked like a taller white version of Sulley. (Of course, not as cute.) He must of once worked at M.I. and gotten too close to some human, but we aren't give the details. (Or he could have been banished for his er... annoyingness. ^_^)This Abominable Snowman would rather be known as the "Adorable Snowman." He's either really happy there or not too smart because he doesn't even try going back through a door like Sulley. Yeti was supposed to be a nod to the Abominable Snowman of the old Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

George Sanderson

Voice: Sam Black

Have you noticed that some monsters get both a first and last name while others only have one call name? George's last name is Sanderson, which fits him pretty well. His fur(or what's left of it) is sandy colored. Poor George is a victim of socks, a tattle-tale scare assistant and, just a lot of bad luck. His assistant calls out "2319! 2319!!" as soon as he sees a stray sock clinging to George's back and it's all downhill from there. After all his fur is shaven off (and *thats* scary) he still manages to make it back to work, only to open his locker, have Sulley's mobile fall out on him, and go through it all over again. When he's in crutches he even ends up with *another* sock on him but this time gets smart and just stuffs it into his assistant's mouth. You go George!

Needleman and Smitty

Voice: (One person) Daniel Gerson

The geeky janitors of M.I. Some of their jobs include hanging employee of the month photos, collecting the trash, and shredding dud doors. Both of them really look up to Sulley and the rest of the scarers. "They're soooo Awesome." Can anyone tell me which one is witch? I think the one on the left is Needleman. (Could his nose be another tribute to the classic Christmas movie? J/K) Anyway, one interesting piece of trivia is that he played Randall in the "company play". Also, if you look closely at the other guy, (Smitty?)you can see he's wearing braces.


Voice: Jeff Pidgeon

That's his real name but his friends call him "Phlegm." This monster was definitely not cut out to be a scarer. I can picture mothers who see this movie saying to their children, "Now honey, this is why you never leave anything lying on the floor in your room..." Luckily before Bile dropped scaring lessons M.I. converted to the laugh system and now he's at the top of his game.

Some seriously minor but cool characters:


"...Waxford, the one at station 6. He's got them shifty eyes." Is what Mike tells Randall to try and divert suspision from him and Sulley about the matter of a kid escaping. Sure, it may have been just a spur of the moment accusation, but could Mike really have a reason for blaming this seemingly harmless five eyed scare assistant? Look closely in the back of many scenes on the scare floor. Who do you see? Waxford. He's everywhere! (Go back and look at the second Fungus pic again.) Then, there's the Harryhausen's matter. Look who's panicking in the background. What do you think, could Waxford be stalking mike? (Dun dun dun...)

Look for more characters, coming later!

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