Here’s the place to catch up on any events not only in my life, but also any world event that I thinks been under reported or justifies extra comment.




First of all some recent yet underreported news:



*  All attempts to contact the troubled British spacecraft, beagle 2 have so far failed.

The pride of the British space program got into trouble after it landed on Christmas day when an orbiting NASA satellite looking at the carefully selected landing site discovered a large crater had appeared in the middle of the landing site, however the British team never gave up hope despite several failed attempts to make contact, but these failures were presumed to be due to the onboard clock being incorrect and therefore transmissions were sent at the wrong time, the head scientists are of course blaming this on British summertime.

The success of Britain on mars comes at a time when, George w bush, who has in the past been described as a blind man in a room full of deaf people, proved his critics wrong and made a sensible decision, at a time when the American trade gap is astronomical and the value of the dollar is plummeting, good ole W has the solution…. A moon base and then at a later point putting people on mars, not daunted by the technology gap, the huge price tag or the chances of anyone returning to earth alive being smaller than Iraq’s wmd program, the president has already put his plan into action by retiring NASA’s only vehicle capable of taking man into space and instead relying on the Russia ferrying there astronaughts into space.




Now some news in my life:


*  Ann Widicome, my pet hamster, gave birth mid way through December last year and now the little critters are ready to be rehomed. But of the 5 little bundles of joy only pat butcher has taken the plunge and moved out, the others including Dick Van Dike remain with Ann.

I know they must be rehomed but I don’t have the heart to do it, after the first removal I had to watch while Ann searched in vain for the missing little fluff ball, bless her little cotton socks.















*  I personally am trying to finish my third year of a biology degree, but I have lost all interest in the subject, that is if I ever had any. As far as im concerned biology represents everything that’s wrong in science and there’s a lot of things wrong in science. Ive now decided to put my mind towards more important matters such as taking care of Ann, updating my website and a little restoration project in the form of a classic BSA mercury mark 3  .22 air rifle.

But all current projects are hindered by my hand after I suffered a boxers fracture, the cast has recently come off my arm but my little finger is still strapped to the adjacent finger and the overall dexterity of my hand is not what it once was, though im hoping to regain the majority of the mobility I once enjoyed.