The Buyer                     The buyer is in charge of creating Roman items to sell in the store.  The most important job of the buyer is to stock the store with Roman items which match the store's theme.  The buyer must create the actual model items using materials from the time which typical Romans would want or need.  The buyer must be in constant communication with other group members, especially the architect, so that their model items match the store's theme.
                  The buyer should first research common Roman items which would be sold in a typical Roman store.  Next, the buyer should create and present to the teacher a  list of ten items to sell in the store.  The buyer should consider how to make each of the ten items.  After receiving teacher approval, the buyer should begin to make the store items.  (A minimum of five items is required however, additional quality  items will score higher on the project rubric.  Check the rubric.)

General Roman Info
Forum Romanum - Exploring an Ancient World
General Info on Rome

Food and Recipe Sites
Roman Food Industry
Food Storage
Ancient Roman Food
Poor Roman's Menu
Antique Roman Recipes

Clothing and Textiles
Make Your Own Roman Sandals
Ancient Roman Clothing
Roman Clothing II
Designing Roman Clothing
Dressing a Roman Soldier

Ancient Roman Jewelry
Reproductions of Roman Jewelry

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