Motorbike Tim's Commuter Blog

I have always wanted to commute back and forth to work on a motorcycle. Commuting is a great way to get lot's of riding time in and to shapren riding skills too, not to mention the fact that finding time for recreational riding seems to get more difficult all the time. So, I have made a few minor changes to the Intercepter- soft lugage, Heli bars to give me a more upright stance, and a few pieces of reflective tape carefully placed on the ride to increase visibility. Oh, I almost forgot; I bought riding gear (see handsom model in Photo above) to protect my old bones. :)

March 19, 2008
First day of commuting to work. Wouldn't you know it, traffic was moving 70mph on the highway. It was 34 degrees this morning, I was hoping for a few stops so I could warm up a bit. Oh well, I'm sure there will be plenty of warm up breaks this summer when it 90+ degrees outside. LOL! I was a little cold when I arived at work ( about a thirty minute ride today) but it was do-able.

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