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Our Little Saturday Ride

This ride took place in December of '99. There was a group of 5 riders all ready to go have some fun, little did we know how much fun we would have! Four of us;

  • Troy (2000 995 Triumph Daytona),
  • Rashard (1999 ZX-9R),
  • CJ (1995 Triumph Speed Triple),
  • and I (1997 995 Triumph Daytona)

met in Lewisville and headed towards Denton. There, we met up with the last rider,

  • Brian (1997 Suzuki GSXR 750),

and headed out towards Krum. We had be given a map a few days before from a shop owner and he told us to take these roads and just fly wide open. At first, we were less then impressed but as the day went on, the roads improved and so did our spirits. We began to hit some nice sweepers where we were easily holding 100+ mph speeds throughout the turns. After a close call with a car that decided he wanted to take up half the road and then some, we decided it was time for a lunch break. Everyone was having a good time and spirits were high. After lunch we began the turn around roads to take us bake towards Denton. the roads were once again nice and smooth for the most part and you could really let loose. Well as we neared the end of our little trip, we began to actually have some tight corners with decreasing apexes that were fun and challenging in there own right. Troy was leading the group as we came up on the last town followed by me and then CJ. Brian and Rashard were way back bringing up the rear. Troy CJ and I had just flown through a left hander that was marked 35 mph doing close to 75 mph. We were climbing a hill at the top of which we saw a car coming at us on his side of the 2-lane road. Next thing we noticed was a sign for a right hand corner at 35 mph. but of course we saw this car coming and thought for sure that the corner was up past the top of the hill a bit. Well, no sooner did we crest the hill doing about 85 mph or so did we see a rock road straight in front of us and our paved road turning sharply off to the right around a house. Thank god there was no on coming traffic because none of us were going to make that corner or stop in our lanes. Troy, leading the group realized he came in way to hot and grabbed a hand full of front brakes. As soon as I saw his brake lights, I realized I was either going to have to try and pull up and stop next to him or I was going to have to lay my bike down and try not to hit him. Luckily, Troy stopped about a foot away from the grass and gravel shoulder and I stopped about 6 inches from his rear tire. Now that was pretty damn scary in and of its self but what happened next was just unbelievable. CJ's bike didn't have near as good brakes as ours did so he stood no chance of stopping. He realized there were only two choices for him, either hit us or stand it up straight lay off the brakes and see it he could ride into the field and ride it out. He flew off the road still easily doing 40 mph and through the grass shoulder and into the barbed wire fence that was there. Thankfully he had a bike with no fairing so the barbed wire wrapped itself around the front of the bike and radiator and just snapped. He had his face shield up the whole time and the look on his face was to die for but believe it or not, he rode it out, brought the bike under control and actually turned around and rode back out of the field and joined us back on the road. Let me tell you, that was the last time any of us has ever ridden a road that hard unless we know every turn out there. To have your life flash before your eyes like that, well it is exhilarating but it isn't something I want to do every time I get on a bike. So in this case we were lucky and it is a big laugh for us now but be careful out there because you never know what is around the next turn!!!!

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