
Welcome to my craptastic website! I am self admitidly crap when it comes to computers! This is my first attempt at making something that resembles a site, as you may have already gathered (i.e. it's crap!)

So far, it's taken me an hour to get as far as typing my oh so inventive Page Title! The first 20 mins I spent staring blankly at this white page, wondering what the hell to do! Spent a further 30 mins fiddling with the strange little buttons, crashing the computer numerous times while screaming at the screen, and alas, in the last 10 mins I actually mananged to type a word! Wow! See, told you I was bad...but hey look on the bright side, my computer didn't blow up!

As for page content erm, I'm not quite sure what to add! Well the following spring to mind Music, Music...more Music and Megadeth (also Music!) So I'll write about anything I want and you read, because thou hast stumbled upon my territory!
A WebCounter - A very useful addition to any site to see how many poor shmucks stumble into my territory!
Above: The very wonderful Megadeth! They rule, along with several hundred other bands...but lets not get started on that!
A Little About Me.... (I'm sure you've already made your mind up!)
A GuestBook - For listening to other people's ideas cause you can't be bothered to strain your mind thinking yourself!
E-Mail Me.... (Wow, like you really wanna do that...)
I take it people viewing this page are those people who either know me, or have no life...prehaps both! (Joke) Otherwise why would you be dumb enough to come on here!? (By the way I ain't saying you dudes, my mates, are dumb...I promise! *Angel-Like smile*

I'd like suggestions from you dudes for stuff to put on my Turd Burglar of a site, cause at the moment I'm running a little low on inspiration. At present I dub this site my page of total bullshit, suitable don't you think?

Don't forget to SIGN MY GUESTBOOK at the bottom of this page.

Later Dudes!
Page Dedicated To Guys With Long Hair
Pearls of Wisdom
(...err yeah right...)
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