Understanding life

Let me quote an example with regards to patients in hospitals which is as follows:-

There are many sick patients in a hospital where some of them need to surgically treated to be well again. The question here

is that why should a person be ended up in bed with sickness where we could make ourselves healthy. We are all given a pair

of legs (healthy condition) to use till the end of our life and why should a person end up in such a sorry state landing in hospital

with full of sickness. This is also applicable in some other issues like erotic movies and violence movie etc. Anyone whom wish

to use this method have to spend sometime to think over this life issues.


Life quotes (examples)

1) Beating a person without proper reason makes a person more rebellious.

2) Some problems are not totally related to the reason given but the person still insist on that reason.

3) Healing by words of encouragement cheers a person up.

4) Mistakes made in life often results in a person shedding tears or quickly show their facial expression to repent.

5) Believe in anything is evil.

6) A person will still continue to perform his task when in doubt of certain things.


Symbol of open or close thinking

The symbol for close thinking is the thumb touching the nose which suggest heavy criticism on issues.

The symbol for open thinking is the open arm wide with a clenched fist and the body of the person with

the head leaning forward (taking a deep breathe with eyes closed and look forward with a blank mind). The

straightened arm is stretched backward.


I hope the following information is useful to you and have a nice day reading.


Ang Poon Kah

[email protected]







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