History of Computers


The very first of Personal PC is the Apple II which was made available during the 1982 period.

Software like apple talks, apple dos, FID, Disk Muncher from Corrupt computing Ltd, Crazy

Copy, Locksmith and many other games. All uses 360KB single sided drive. Later, Z80 CPM

is introduced for some application like compilers for different language etc. System is very

slow at that time and sooner, apple IIe and apple IIc is out to compete with Apple II. 1983

saw the beginning of intel Technology with their very first system built by IBM. PC Jr was

the very first PC at the speed of only 4.77MHZ. I remembered Microsoft only announces

the old windows 3.1 platform at those time. Most of the software, at that period of time, do

not require to be installed in windows. We need to have a good knowledge of MS DOS to

install, remove and run programs in dos mode. Most of the software at those times are

heavily protected with copy protection. Games also follow this trend. Companies like

Aston Tate for Dbase, Multiplan, Sierra, EPYX, Mindscape, Taito are big gammers of

copy protection scheme using Superlok ver 2.0, Prolok etc.  Copy Machines were seen

everywhere to facilitate home users to use software. Copy II PC option board from

Central Point Software was also introduced to give home users a chance to own a

cheaper scale down version of the copy machine by using personal PC. In the mid of

that year, Electronic Bulletin Boards like RBBS, PC Board, Fidonet, Wildcat was set

up for people to communicate through the use of dial in modems. Black Knight, at

that time, was an active user whom show his proven success in removing Superlok which

leads to its failed strategy to lock up a software. PC XT, PC AT, PS2 models was

produced by IBM but the cost is too high to be of home use. Intel came up with i386,

i486, Pentium, Pentium II till today's Power system (Pentium III) to give home user

or power user to perform sophisticated task on their PC. Internet was also introduced

during the early 1990's period. Many new application has already surface in the market

and internet is use by these companies to update their software either on-line or by

downloading means. Trial software are in abundance for users to try out new software

as a mean to attract more people to purchase their powerful application. Time locks

was used as a copy protection means to prevent software stealing which was thought

of by different companies. Video conferencing and many other new technologies like

CD writing Technology from Japan also came in to join the whole new computer world.

Motherboards has also improved through years of engineering to provide better

stability, speed and reliability. Microsoft softwares also improved through the years

like their operating system from windows 95 to windows 2000 as well as the forth

coming (unannounced) copy of Windows Vista. These are the improvements

in computer technology, not only in hardware itself but also in software.


                                                                                     written by : Ang Poon Kah

                                                                                                          [email protected]

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