Hello there everyone! My name is Coretta! I am currently in middle school right now and live in Minnesota! I am also the creature of another page called "Role Models". That page mostly explains about teen role models! I am also here to tell a little bit about how that page came to be!

A while back my teacher told my class mates and I that we were going to make a teen website! We each had our own topic to do our websites on and we each had to make up at least 3 questions for the survey. When the survey was done we all passed them out in our school. Everything was fine right up until we got the surveys back to count them. We spent many days counting up the surveys and getting the information we needed for our websites. Finally we all got done with the surveys and started typing up the information on the computer! We were all jumping for joy! Then came the hard part, we had to put the whole web pages together! Now they are finish and are ready for you to read! If you want to check out my Role Models page click on the button below! Thanks for stoping by! Bye-Bye!

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