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Another Alternative
Another Alternative  is comprised of many facets of interests. Inside you will find information about herbs and their medicinal uses. Some of my own remedies too! You will find some amazing items of interest also,

I am a Manual Medical Massage Therapist and I have designed this site to bring much needed information to the public. I hope you find this interesting and helpful.

Please feel free to email me with questions or comments and don't forget to sign my guest book.
Links You'll Enjoy!
Sentimental Chandler- Candle Maker and other stuff
Soul Advisors - Helping to find Missing persons
Center For Missing Adults
Rachel Alert - Help when a person is Missing
Texas Equusearch - Mounted Search & Rescue
My History
Bath Time
Herb Products
TV Shows
More Products
Videos & CD's
Body Sprays
Info On
Missing Persons
B.A.C.A. - Bikers Against Child  Abuse
Website Designed & Created by Pamela Shepherd
Copyight@2003 All Rights Reserved
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who has dared venture inside Another Alternative!!
Please sign My guest book before your departure....Thank You!
Forums For Justice...Voice for Victims of Crimes
Website Maintained by Kara Bereman
  Throughout the pages on this site, I hope to give you some insite as to what and who Another Alternative is truly about. I have also included other products on the Video & CD page to give you a better idea of how WE are helping to bring the Missing Persons home to their loved one.
   Another Alternative has connected with
'Soul Advisors', who has other products for sale to keep Missing Persons faces in the publics eye. If you are intereseted in any of these products you may go to the Soul Advisors website and browse their pages. Feel free to email them: CLICK HERE
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