Web Club>ALI Page>Movie Club Main Page>When Harry Met Sally















The second movie was “When Harry Met Sally (1989)” on June 26 in R203. It is directed by Rob Reiner and written by Nora Ephron. Its genre is comedy and romance. Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan Play in.


Runtime:92 min,  Country: The U.S,  Language English,  Color: color (Deluxe)


Plot Summary from Internet Movie Database (http://www.imdb.com): Harry and Sally have known each other for years, and are very good friends, but they fear sex would ruin the friendship.


Internet Movie Database’s User Comment: Special-K88

In this exceptional and insightful romantic comedy, Crystal and Ryan star as best friends who try not to let sex ruin their relationship. A script flowing with humor, wit, and originality could not have been brought to life any better than this. Has more than enough pleasant moments to make this an unforgettable movie experience.


Today’s Topic

Can't a man be a friend with a woman that he finds attractive?  



I think it is very difficult for a man to be friend of a woman he finds attractive. This is even more difficult if the man is single:)) In my opinion, the reason is that deep inside every man there is the idea that “I can have a chance with this woman.” That is why a male is in general not looking for a female friend but for someone with whom to go out. Also, I have heard that some guys say: “…. Why so I want a female friend if I already have male friends…I don’t need more friends, I need a date…” Cheers!!



I think a man can’t be a friend who~~~ That’s my opinion. Every woman is attractive for me :) :)



They can, it is just that in films they usually cannot since it might not make for such an “interesting” story otherwise.



I find it difficult to be friends with a straight man I’m not involved with. Gay men and straight women can be very compatible friends, I've found. It's also fine for straight women and gay women to be friends. But, it's not so common for straight women and straight men to be JUST friends...



Yes, he can.   If she has something attractive like smart or intelligent even though a woman is ugly, it would be simply that a man be a friend with her.



Yes and no. By definition, an attractive woman is a woman that attracts men (otherwise she would be a non-attractive woman!). If a man meets a woman that attracts him, he would like to be more than friends (again, just by definition of attraction). But at the same time, a man can be friend of a woman that is considered attractive by most men, because it may be that for him the woman is not so attractive, for example if the man thinks she is not interested, or if the man has already a couple, or if she is just not his type, etc. In fact, here the roles of man/woman can be reversed, but the topic comes because usually men are more direct?



No!!!!!  It is impossible! He already found that woman is attractive, so he can't see a woman as a woman not as a friend.



I am working on finding the correct answer.                                                                     




I think that between a man and a woman can be a real friendship. Even if it's really difficult, that this happens.




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