Telepathic Killer Race?__Fact or Fiction?
Are the Aliens "assimilating" humans into a race of psychotic "killer bees"?

"The Fury" 1978__Kirk Douglas
Directed by Brian De Palma
Will human beings ever shoot back at the "Savage Aliens" that are exploiting them as cattle?

"Westworld"(1973)__Yul Brenner
Directed by Michael Crichton
O ne of the more popular movie genres is that of science fiction movies. Movies about the future, movies about the unknown, movies about the paranormal.

And if analysed on a smaller scale, we find that there are a sub-category of SIFI movies that deal specifically with the issue of "Aliens" in human society.

Aliens by any other name are just as evil and deadly. Witches, Warlocks, Vampires, Supermen, Batmen, Spidermen, Hulks, X-Men, X-Women, etc... Any type of humanoid that exhibits paranormal characteristics can be categorized as "Alien". And these beings have been portrayed in the movies for years.

We don't have to look at modern movies such as "The Power", "Scanners", or "The Fury" to understand that these aliens have the ability to control the mind and desires of man.

In 1919 film director Robert Wiene made the historic movie The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari which(witch?) revealed the very important fact that humans may be under the mind-control of other beings that look very much like you and me.
We find that telepathic mind control of people is a very effective way of getting the job done. And in human society this is exactly the methodology utilized by the "Alien Race". They are here, they look human, and they use human beings as their slaves because the aliens can "access" the brains of humans analogous to the way we humans telenet into each others computers___controlling the machine as if it were our own.

In the movie "Scanners"(1981 David Cronenberg) we find the possibility of developing or evolving a race of telekinetic, telepathic super humans, or "Super Race"__with powers of death and destruction without physical contact. The precursor to this movie being the "The Fury"(1978).

If such a race exists, and it does(read: aliens) then we humans are sitting ducks waiting to be "slayed" as we unknowingly intermingle with our executioners in what we think is a safe human society. In actuality the movie "Westworld"(1973) is probably a more realistic version of what the "Aliens" are doing to human beings in society__killing, maiming, giving them diseases, and exploiting them as if human beings are simple beasts of burden or in more technical terms "robots".

Frankenstein: "Why do you love me, because I kill people?"
Girl: "Scoring isn't killing Mr. Frankenstein, it's part of the race."
Death Race 2000(1975)
Directed by: Paul Bartel
Produced by: Roger Corman
Starring: David Carradine
Sylvester Stallone
Mary Woronov
Roberta Collins
Louisa Moritz
Death Race? Killer Bee Race? Borg Race? Aren't we really talking about the same thing?

In the future(2000), the government sponsors a deadly sport, sort-a like a combination of "The Cannon Ball Run" and "The Gladiator" where people are killed via the use of motor vehicles during a cross country road race__the more dead the more
points. Sounds pretty simplistic but what if this movie is a actually a metaphor for the agenda and policy of the invading "Savage Alien Race"? What if the brave movie director and actors were actually trying to inform the public(read: humans) that their government had turned its back on democracy, freedom, civil rights; and instead had allowed the "Alien Race" to implement a "Culture of Killing"___allowed them to become a "Death Race". Where, in the "Alien Kingdom"__the more humans the aliens "Throw-out" via "diseases, accidents, etc... the better position in society they obtain__along with other perks that are necessary if you are an invading race of aliens that are basically impersonating the humans that you exterminated.

Is America, or the Earth itself, becoming a "Big Amusement Park" for aliens at the expense of human beings(WestWorld?). "Death Race 2000" becomes very interesting if analysed after reading and understanding scientific research information about the "real alien race" in American society__and its "evil agenda". And, you can only find this information by accessing America's Line: The Truth is Here! at
Note the slightly deformed face(lumps on forehead region near eyebrow), "glassy-eyed look", and the dissolved skin tissue around the eyes of the publisher Wayne E. Manzo, a result of working with "Martian" drivers of the Chicago Tribune and residing at the "Seedy Martian Flophouse" a few blocks from the "Alien Agency Public Library". Very bad Martians who torture and harass human beings as part of their alien culture. Working on the delivery trucks was analogous to flying around in a "UFO" with the Martian driver drilling in your head and doing other evil things to the inside of your body.

While walking around in an "Alien Induced Drunken State" Wayne Manzo, the Publisher, walked past another famous publisher, John Kennedy Jr., who was to die in an apparent aeroplane accident the next day. But the chance meeting in Chicago, that was not possible since he was in New York that day. Then who was the look-a-like in Chicago? The Kennedy's, at the time, owned the "Merchant Market Mall" that is located about a 1/2 mile from the location where this Publisher almost met the ghost of the Publisher John Kennedy, Jr. So, who was the Kennedy doppleganger? The answer to this question is found in a movie script idea called
" A.C.T." In this script idea, in the "X-Files genre", we find real news events being explained via the existence of an "Alien Conspiracy". There is one news story concerning an automobile accident that is reminiscent of the movie "Death Race 2000" and interestingly enough, on the scene of the so-called accident was a police detective named Stallone___Believe it or Not!
Downtown Chicago, 1999
The Birth of an "Alien Nation"
Yeah Steven, between "Taken" and "War of the Worlds" you've mined a fortune from the celebrity publisher Wayne Manzo and And, they'll never figure out that everything he publishes is true about America and our evil collective telepathic race. Aren't we clever Steven, a movie about Martian invaders written, directed, and starring "Martian Invaders".

Revise 01.11.06, Orlando
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