This is a look at a small town in Australia, from an Australians point of view.

Warning , some of the views and opinions held by the author of this page are not necessarily those held by the Jumped up over paid power crazed tourisim officials who dictate how Australia is viewed by foreigners.


   Most Australians live in Big Cities. Two thirds of them live inside three cities alone , Melbourne ( a cold wet miserable concrete jungle ) , Sydney ( a miserable concrete jungle ) and Canberra ( a cold hole of a place , suprising realy , since all the politicians gather here , the place gets a lot of hot air...)

   I have tried to present as factual a document here as possible , for the information and education of the other inhabitants of this great big poluted globe we inhabit.

Australia is a big country. The state of Western Australia is nearly three times the size of Texas.

Federal Politicians dont believe thereis any Australia outside the bounds of The Australian Capital Territory.
State Politicians dont believe there is anything outside of the State Capital City.
Local Politicians dont believe there is anything besides their own interests, which is a common factor with all politicians.

That being the case , lets get on with the pictures!

The Pictures!

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