One of the Big Things in the country , is TRUCKS , they rule the roads here

Trucks have an unwritten imunity to being booked for trafic misdemeanors that ordinary motorists lose their licenses to drive for.
This is a truck , shooting a red light. Should you be brave enough to try to drive on Australian Roads , beware the trucks, They stop for no-one , and nothing. ( Apart from the odd very green cop who is silly enough to risk his/her life to stop one )

The Australian Government has taken steps to adress this problem , and for the last ten or twenty years have been re-routeing the highways around the small towns instead of them running through the middle of town.

This cripples the town ecconomicaly , but it makes for faster transport times, and less laws being 'broken' ( as if they are ever enforced ) by transport drivers.

Dont think of forcing your right of way against these Jugernaughts. They can and often do squash cars ( with their drivers ) because the motorist was naieve enough to think rules aply to trucks as well as cars.

Compared to most average cars , including my seventies model Ford , Trucks are huge , they are to be treated with respect at all times.

More Australia!



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