Legally Blonde 2: Red,White & Blonde (2003)
Rating: 4/10
Review date: September 9, 2003

Elle Woods is back after she graduated from Harvard University for a new adventure with her loyal Chihuahua, Bruiser. After discovering Bruiser�s mom who is held as test subject in a cosmetics company, Elle decided to head to Washington D.C. With the help of a doorman who know a lot on politics, Elle tries to get an anti-animal testing bill passed while some people try hard to ensure her failure.

Just like the first movie, what I remember the most is Reese Witherspoon (Elle Woods) who can�t possibly be any cuter with that utterly adorable face. The clothing is top-notch although I think they overused the color pink. Bruiser is also as cute as his master and he is also given some nice costumes.
Now is the time to mention what I dislike from this movie. First of all, the jokes are lame and they�re not as funny as the first one (with the exception of the one regarding homosexual dogs).
The supporting casts are also very weak with the doorman, Bob Newhart (Sid Post), not creating that much of an impression. The other characters from the original movie are back and trust me; they�re as insignificant as they were before.

Legally Blonde 2 is arguably an opposite of its predecessor. If the original Legally Blonde actually erased the �dumb blonde chicks� myth for me, the sequel actually make Elle looks like a �dumb blonde chick� who thought she can just waltz into the Senate and pass a bill with outrageous methods.
The latter part of the movie just gets more and more ridiculous with Elle and her companions coming up with various plans to get the anti-animal testing bill passed (which I won�t elaborate here).          

I certainly did not enjoy this movie with the exception of gawking at the cute Reese Witherspoon working her way around Washington�s political maze. I guess this movie really strikes a chord with the female population since both my girlfriend and sister both love it very much. Speaking of that, I believe Reese Witherspoon herself must be having lots of fun acting in the movie; most probably because she gets to keep all the designer clothing and accessories that she wore.
One last thing, this might sound weird but I actually like the final shots where Elle got married to her fianc�, Emmett Richmond (played by Luke Wilson).
When all is said and done, this movie is recommended for females (based on my girlfriend and sister�s comment) while I believe males wouldn�t enjoy it as much as the opposite sex. By the way, did I mention that Reese Witherspoon is cute?        

Memorable quote: �So speak up, America. Speak up for the home of the brave.�
                                                                                      -Reese Witherspoon as Elle Woods-

(c) Martin Taidy 2003
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