Meet the Guys
Ben I am in Mowin Maniacs because i wanted to have a business with my friends, where we got to do something we enjoyed. Me and Ryan came up with an idea to do this at the beginning  of the school year of 2003. I was very excited to know we were really going through with the business and have done all I could to make it a success.
Ryan I am excited that I am able to be a part of such a fun, and successful business. Working with my friends has been such a great opportunity and a great learning experience. So far we have had great customers ( which really helps out alot). I hope this business continues grow. Thank you for all your support!
I wanted to join the mowin maniacs because ever since Ryan and I were 6 years old we always wanted to have a mowing business. I have really enjoyed working with the mowin maniacs beacuse I like to mow lawns and do yard work. It is also a good feeling to see the end result and have satisfied customers.
Last year I heard that the guys were starting a landscaping business, and I figured "Hey I should check into this." After seeing how successful they were and being friends with them for about a year I decided since they had a part time slot open I would jump for the opportunty. I got the job and can not wait too start working with them.
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