Fanfiction Tips
Although a lot of people think their own fanfcitions are fine on their own, if you want to submit ANYTHING to our Writing Section, YOU MUST read these fanfiction tips before submitting anything. Afterwards, send all of your writing to either [email protected] or [email protected].
Fanfiction Tips are subject to change at any time.
Submitting goes like this. Edit, Copy, Paste. Simple!! E-mail to links above.

Bad Spelling is not allowed. Spell check always!!

Mechanical Errors need to be checked! You need good punctuation, capitalization, spacing, and right tense.

Bad Grammer is horrible! Don't have it in your piece! No run-ons, comma splices, or sentence fragments.

Author's Notes are allowed. However, don't have them in the middle of your fiction. Before or after your book and/or chapters is best.

Poetry is nice, but we will only accept it if it's in your fiction. No individuals.

Lists are not accepted and will never be posted.

Songs will not be allowed. Though we feel your urge that they put the feeling on for your book, we don't accept it.

Fanart with your fanfiction is accepted. Place it at the end of the book and/or chapter. Otherwise, check the Artwork Section.

Mechanical Emotions are not allowed. Period. No ^_^ or :) or any of it.

Titles can be overused. Try not to have The Search for... or The New Beginning.... However, these will be accepted if that is all you can think of.

Battle Description is necessary. However, if this is Final Fantasy, don't have HP. MP either.

Vulgarity is allowed. Don't overuse it, unless you want a Content Warning over your piece to show readers you have a lot of swearing.

Excessive Violence is something that usually happens in fiction. However, again with the Content Warning, you can use as much as you want, but beware.

Sex and Romance is a no-brainer. You can have it. But again, beware of the dreaded Content Warning. You may not want that much.

Numbers are spelled out if under one hundred.

Short Chapters are fine, but they are a big pet peeve of Ami's.

Detail, detail, detail!! We cannot stress this enough. So let this be a reminder. There is such a thing as over-detail however. If it's a short story, make things happen, instead of going overboard with the detail

Screenplay Format is not allowed. Sorry. It's too much to hassle with.

Plots and Genre need to be focused on and expressed through. Remember what your fiction is about.

Chapter Names are needed. Your fiction may be rejected if you don't have them. However, don't give the story away either.

Synonyms and Antonyms are needed. We don't want the same word over and over.

Death happens. It can be used.

Characterization is needed really badly!! Pop into the character's shoes and write what they would really do, say, and think.

Crossovers are not allowed. This applies for pretty much anything.

Originality is what a lot of fiction is about. Use it to your heart's content!

Dialogue needs to be understandable.

New Villians, Original Characters are always allowed! Keep them coming!

Relevance is necessary. Have a nice flow of stream-of-conscious.

Slang is allowed. Real life has a lot of it. However, only in dislogue.

Speech is an extreme part to fiction, so make it all work out. Have the character speak like he/she really would.

Rushing is NOT allowed. Another big pet peeve of Ami. It's not practical.

Read your fiction again and again!! And give it to other people to read as well before submitting.
Anything we missed? Send it to us to add to this page!
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