Vulgar Masterpiece Cartoon Theatre presents......Berenstain Bears in.... 

"Mother's Inconstancy"

Mother Bear sitting at the kitchen table, elbows on the table / hands resting on face.

Mother: "Oh I am just so moody!"

Papa Bear: **walks in** "[cheerfully] oooooooh I better go check the bear-calendar!"

Mother: "I am just so stressed out!"

**Cuts to flashback sequences**

Flashback # 1:  Mother: **shouting at family** "Stop eating so much damn junk food!!!"

Flashback # 2:  Mother: **shouting at family** "Get off of your stupid lazy bear-asses and go outside and play!!!"

Flashback # 3:  Mother:  "Papa, you stupid dumb son of a bitch!!!"

Flashback # 4:  Mother: "Put down those god damn Atari controllers and go outside and play!!"

Flashback # 5:  Mother:  **shouting at family** "Stop watching so much TV!  Turn off the TV!! I said turn it off!!!!"

Flashback # 6: Mother: **shouting** "What did I just tell you?!!!  Because I 'said so' !!!"

Flashback # 7:  Mother: **shouting at Brother Bear** "Brother, stop sexually discriminating against Sister Bear!"

Flashback # 8:  Mother:  **shouting** "Don't do THAT!  You make me sick!!"

Flashback # 9:  Mother: **shouting** "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!!"

Flashback # 10:  Mother: **standing by the kitchen sink and slams a dinner plate down on the floor**

**end of flashback sequences**

Mother Bear: "I just don't get it." **sighs**

Papa: "So anyway, hey kids!  You want some honey comb ice cream treats??"

Brother and Sister Bear: "Yeah!!"

Papa: "Ooooookay!  Here's some free money for everyone!"

Mother: **fuming now** "That's IT.  I'm handing out spankings to all of you!!"

**Mother Bear spanks Papa Bear**

Papa: **excited** "Woo hoo now we're talking!!"

**Mother Bear runs over to Sister Bear and slaps her in the butt really hard.  A loud pow is heard.**

Mother Bear: "OWWW!!!!  **shakes stinging off hand** What the hell??!"

Sister Bear: "I stuffed a hardcover book down my pants!  I was sliding down the rocky hill today and the book really smoothed out the ride!  Tho it totally tore up my overalls."

Mother Bear: **angry** "Grrrrrrrr!   Okay Brother Bear, it's your turn."

Brother Bear: **stares down Mother Bear**

Mother Bear: **spanks Brother on the ass and turns around**

Brother Bear: **spanks his mom on the ass**

Mother Bear: "HEY!!! What do you think you're doing??"

Brother Bear: "an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg."

Mother Bear: "Oh that's IT you're going down!!"  **rolls up sleeve**

**Mother and Brother Bear continue to slap and pinch each other for a while**

Papa Bear: **yawns** "What a fat, surly bitter old woman." **takes a nap**

ADVERTISEMENT: "Today's column was sponsored by the National Organization of Penis Cancer Treatment Foundation."