Vulgar Masterpiece Cartoon Theatre presents......Berenstain Bears in...... 

"Papa's Ordeal"

Family is sitting in the family room.  Papa puts down newspaper.

Papa: "You know, Brother and Sister Bear, you should be outside getting fresh air and exercise."

Brother: "Oh come on!  But it's so cold out!  We don't have anything to do!!"

Papa: "oh for god's sake!  I'll go with you and we'll find something!"  **throws newspaper**

**everyone puts on their coat & scarves and steps outside**

Brother: "You know, I don't understand why we have to wear clothes.  I mean, we're bears with thick fur."

Papa: "oh shut UP!  Must you bitch about everything?!"

Sister: "jesus, Papa sure is moody!"

Papa: "I am not MOODY, god damn it!!  My blood-sugar levels are dropping!  I need some fucking honey!  Grrrr!!!"

**Papa begins swinging his fists in rage** "There's gotta be some fucking honey around here!!"

**The Bears go for a stroll and wander into the Park**

Papa: "Say, do you hear that?  It sounds like humans having a picnic!"

Brother: "Papa, didn't you always say to leave the humans alone?"

**Papa goes running up to the two humans and begins mauling them**

Papa: "Roar!! ROAR!!!!"  **knocks a human's head off with his claws**

Sister: "Papa!  Stop it!! You're harming the humans!"

Papa: "I NEED SUGAR!!!!! ROAR!! ROAAAAAR!!" **rips the last shreds of the humans**

Papa: "Ooooo!  White Castles with cookies and soda!"

"....can we have some?"

Papa: "No-ROAR!!!!!!"  **takes a swing at Brother Bear & gobbles all the food up**

Sister: "Those poor humans."

Papa: "They can go to hell!  Lousy fucking polluters!  Think they can stroll around in their 4-wheelers and build their fucking roads with their mini-malls!"

**Brother and Sister Bear stare in disbelief**

Papa: **now content** "Ooooof!  Ooomf!  Oh that feels better... what a sugar buzz.  You see kids, with our claws, we weren't made just to eat fruits and berries."

Sister: "Oh I see."

Papa: **Farts** "Oh, those damn White Castles and their greasy pickles.  It's given me the 'bear-toots'!"

Papa, Brother and Sister Bear:
"Haha haha ha!"

Papa: "Oh I need to find me a good tree to poop on.  **spots one** Ah, that one will do!"

**walks over to the tree and begins rubbing ass against the trunk**

Papa: "Who needs toilet paper when you got a tree to wipe your ass with? Hahaha!"

Brother: "That's not very sanitary, Papa."

Papa: "Shut the fuck up, you!  We're bears!  **gets frustrated & furious and begins pounding chest and screaming** We're king of the Forest!!! We're fucking bears!! We RULE!  We rule the whole god dam.." 

**gunshot** "AHHH!!"  **drops dead**

**Brother and Sister Bear go off running**

And Papa Bear never harmed another human ever again.

