Vulgar Masterpiece Cartoon Theatre presents�..Berenstain Bears in� 

"Work and Play"

Brother and Sister bear open up their own farmstand on the front lawn to earn money for new toys and possessions.

Brother bear shouts:
"Here's some secret family berries from our own secret patch! only $2 a carton!!"

Sister bear: "We have lots of vegetables to sell, too!"

A steady stream of customers leads to excellent profits for Brother and Sister bear.  During the days, Brother and Sister's friends stop by the farmstand and ask for them ot play, but the bears say they're too busy.  Their friends go off and begin resenting Brother and Sister bear behind their backs and spreading mean rumors about them.  Meanwhile, a wary Mother bear watches from the kitchen window inside the house.

Mother: "I don't like what they're doing... they're spending all their time selling stuff and earning money instead of out playing with their friends."

Papa: "Let's have a talk with them the next time they're watching tv."

**time passes and an exhausted Brother and Sister Bear sit down to watch tv**

Mother: "What's the matter?  Why the long faces?"

Brother: "Oh it's just our friends aren't inviting us over anymore."
Sister: "We just get these mean reactions and comments."

Papa: **asks cheerfully** "And why do you think that, Brother and Sister bear?'

Brother: "They're just jealous we have dough, are responsible and are contributing to the gloroius Capitalistic machine and we're doing something constructive and they're just being stupid lazy Communists!"

**Papa and Mother bear are shocked and are overcome with concern**

Papa: "No, that's not it. you see, having fun is more important than working!"
Mama: "This is so true.  How is that fair that you have all this money you earned and they don't??"

Brother: **pissed in disbelief** "what."

Mama: " I don't like or think you should be making money instead of goofing off with your friends."

Papa: "You see, our government; who rightfully controls all aspects of our lives; tells us how to live and how much money we should have."

Mother: "a Classless Society where all goods are to be socially owned.  It's the only logical system there is."

Papa: " 'Liberty' is so over-rated, anyway."

Brother: **increasingly annoyed** "whatEVER, Comrade."
Sister: [at parents] "hush up with your propagranda, Trotsky!"
Brother: "We like our money and we want more!"

**Mother now really concerned**
Mother: "That's a very selfish and wrong attitude to have, Brother and Sister bear."

Brother: "oh hush up you soulless heathen!"

Papa: **angry** "Gimme that money!"

Brother: "nooooooo!"

Papa: **rips the money out of their pockets** "Here we are...$3 dollars for each of us!" **smiles contently**

Brother: **now pissed, grabs a cookie for solitude** "I'm having this cookie."

Mama: "You don't own that cookie, Brother!  You can't "own" a cookie!"

Papa: **stomps feet** "I hate America!"

Mama **shouts & pumps fist** "Long live the glorious struggle against Capitalist oppression!!"

Papa: **marches around the house & chants** "Through tempests the sunrays of freedom have cheered us,  Along the new path where great Lenin did lead!"

**Mother bear begins marching in place**

**Papa continues** "Be true to the people, thus Stalin has reared us, inspire us to labor and valorous deed!  Sing to the Motherland, home of the free, Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.  O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people, To Communism's triumph lead us on!"

Brother: "what.... the....hell...."

Sister: **grunts** "Jesus christ!" 

Mama: "Not in this house!"

Papa: "Now who's up for some vodka and potato soup & hot dogs??"

**end scene**

Is this what we want our kids to be watching on PBS??? 

