Roger & Co.  -  Episode 1

"Hey....hey you....kid....."

son: " 'Roger Jr.' !"

Roger: "yeah, Roger Jr...before you start mowing the lawn, can you
get me a beer? actually, just bring the whole 30-can case."

**Roger sits in his chair and opens another beer. Listens to the music
playing in the den. **

Roger: "Ah, that's the stuff."

**Turntable plays the Beach Boys "Cabinessence"  **

Roger Jr: "Dude, it sounds like the Four Freshmen on drugs."

Roger: "Shut up, you.  you don't know what the hell you're talking about, anyway."

**Roger grabs a handful of cheetos and shoves too much into his mouth. **

Roger: "Mfffffff!  shhhhhft!!" **spits them out **

Roger Jr: "Nice one, Captain Retardo!"

Roger: "Shut up!  Go mow the lawn!  Go do my bidding!"

Roger Jr. "God damn it.." walks out of the room to mow the lawn."

Roger: "Stupid kid."

**Roger opens another beer and belches. **

Roger: **fart** "Ah that's the stuff.  **pauses** ....oh god damn it not again!"

**Roger is in the shower.  Roger's wife bangs on the door. **

Wife: "Roger, are you in the shower again??  That's the 3rd time today

Roger: "I'm SORRY but god damn it, man!"

Wife: "Ugh..."

Roger: "you know, it's not my fault they don't make disposable underwear."

Wife: "you know, they do.  They're called "diapers"

Roger: "oh come on!  I'm not a baby!  I don't need a diaper!"

Wife: "Well i think you do!"

Roger: "For christ's sake, can i take a fucking shower in peace???"

Wife: **grunts flushes toilet **

Roger: "Ow-roarrrrrrrrrrrr!"