Steak n' Shake commercial.

Steak n' Shake griller: "Yeah uh, I need some more grease for this steakburger.  You got any grease?"

Steak n' Shake server: "I don't know.  Check the cooking grease room.  There should be another 50 gallon drum surrounding crate of 50 gallon cooking grease drums."

Steak n' Shake griller:
"Ah, good idea."

Black screen.  Voice-over: "Steakburgers."  **grill sizzle sound**
Steak n' Shake commercial.

Steak n' Shake griller: "Yeah uh, I have a problem.  This burger won't hold anymore grease."

Steak n' Shake server: "You're kidding."

Steak n' Shake griller:
"No, I'm not.  I keep pressing more cooking grease into it, but it keeps spilling out & just won't absorb any more."

Steak n' Shake server: "Well that doesn't seem right.  Poke some holes it so it'll hold more of the grease. "

Steak n' Shake griller: "Good idea."

Black screen.  Voice-over: "Steakburgers."  **grill sizzle sound**