Perhaps an introduction is in order. 

The story behind Stick-O in Hell came about during my '93-'94 freshman year in my high school.  I had been drawing cartoons since 1987, with a few different cartoons series and etc.  My friend Mike, who we deemed "Iron Mike",  I've known since kindergarten, loved to read my comics, and one day decided he wanted to draw a comic strip too.  Only he couldn't draw worth a shit, and drew stick figures.  He came up with the idea of "Stick-O", then asked me to rough sketch it out so he could draw it.  His first few comics were just stick figures yelling profanity and going around vandalizing things and titled it "Stick-O".  I thought his comics were hilarious, and he of course thought they were pure shit compared to my comics but so what?  Hey, art is art, damn it.

So eventually he became tired of it, so I took over the strip.  It rapidly became my favorite to draw.

The crudely and half-assed drawings of Stick-O as a stick-figure was completely intentional (who the hell says comics have to have people with ears, a nose, fingers, shoes, etc?  Look at South Park for christs sake!!)   The idea of it was to bash our hellhole high school, promote swearing, smoking, vandalism and just a way to waste time in school. If I was ever caught with these comics in school, I would have been expelled.  heheh.  Speaking of South Park, I drew most of these comics before South Park ever came out (South Park came out in August of 1997) and because of this, my classmates thought I was insane.  Ah, to be a trendsetter.

The Peanuts Rip-offs are..well....Peanuts is just too easy to rip off.  Tho I'm glad Charlie Brown's psychotic wrath is finally brought to the assholes of his world who treated him like shit.  These too were also drawn in March - May of 1997.

The whole design of my comics?  A pencil, a sheet of notebook paper, and a completely insane idea.  It's a damn shame pencil doesn't scan well. Shitfuckers.  So that's why the comics appeared to be "faded" in a varity of dark to light greys, with the touched-up addition as included on the original comics: red as blood; yellow as fire / the explosion, of course.

Enjoy.  ~mp34 -- March, 2004

"Stick-O is dedicated to Iron Mike, who without the world would have never seen our pal Stick-O torment his hellhole school, stick cigarettes in people's eyes, or cuss people out to the 'n'th degree."
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