I am he as you are he as you are he and we are all together
By: D. Rudager
Associated Press

if you asked me to give up the hand of the girl I love / If you tell me that I'm not the man she's worthy of...." ~ Rolling Stones "You better move on"

Well I suppose you make a pretty good point.  Might as well get rid of her, then.  And that brings up another good point: dating partners, spouses, pets, food products, household items, insect pests, automobiles, lawns and especially children are disposable. 

Of course, Dr. Phil would tell you the opposite.  But of course, people have been doing this for centuries.  Suppose you got a bratty child that's worse than a wild dog.  People have been dealing with this forever.  They'll send the kids away to a religious or private school, dump them on the grandparents or some relative, or ship them off to military school or boot camp, or put it up for adoption, even if the kid is 17 & college bound. 

Now suppose it's some psychos who have a demon child, and one of the psycho parents is about one scream away from giving a full-fledge blood-shedding beating & won't stop until the job is done.  This person is also demanding to get rid of the child, which isn't a bad idea at all.  Now you say to your psycho-self,

"now, I'm a pretty screwed up person, and so is this child.  Being a psycho and all, us being together means we'll still be just as psycho.  So if I dump this psycho child off on someone else, it has a much better chance of getting fixed and a better life."

Or maybe you're lazy.  Or cheap.  Or you actually really don't like children, and don't feel like being a parent anymore, and want to get back to being a childless or less-children couple.  What's stopping you?  Morals?  Society?  You don't owe an explanation to anybody!

And there's nothing cute about "acute".