Manger Babies & crazy Luanne: Day 2The Aftermath

Somehow in the drunken giggle-fest frenzy, Luanne forgot the words to her own song! Scott Stapp must be rolling in his grave.


Manger Babies came down from God's den
to this church to preach to all of you
Manger Babies mock those who don't believe
in what we do
Manger Babies mock and ridicule all of those
who are different
You'll burn in Hell if you don't give up things
for Lent.

Manger Babies will not allow you to
become a pack of gays
Manger Babies are here to save [you] and
change your ways

Manger Babies are a donkey, octopus an'
penguin but no otter
Manger Babies rule and walk on water

Manger Babies lie to your children because they're bad
and it's fun
You dump them off on us & so we brainwash
(because we can!) a ton

Give all of your money to the Church
'cause you need to go
Prepare for a guilt trip so just fork
over the dough!

So go to the church and show up and
give them lots of money
They seem sincere (but really they're
quite phony!)

Manger Babies!
I was watching an old episode of "King of the Hill" the other night.  Apparently dumb-blonde Luanne (the one with the horrible baby doll high-pitched porn star voice) decided to do a puppet show for the local church.  I don't know what was really going on, but Luanne just didn't seem right.


"Alright, children.  Please pay attention to the stage where we have Luanne Platter doing a Christian puppet show.  And don't forget....touching yourself is a sin."

**11 of the 26 children clap**

Luanne enters the stage with some sock puppets, sets them down, turns on the music and begins singing.

Luanne: "Manger Babies came down from God's dennnnnn to this church to preach to all of youuuu....."

"Manger Baaaaaaaaabies mock those who don't believe in what weeee dooooooooooo..."

Luanne: "Manger Baaaaaaaabies mock and ridicuuuuuuuule all those who are diffffffferennnnnnt..."

"you'll burrrrrn in Helllll if you don't give up things for Lenttttttttttt. **shouts** celebrate Lent!!!!!!"

Bored child in audience: "I want to play video games."

Luanne: **continues singing** "Ahhhhh laaaaaaa, laaaaaa, shit for brainnnnnnnns....laaa laaa laaaaaaaaa!"

Luanne: **starts laughing** "Ha!  Hahaha! BAH!  Ha!  **says to self** "how..how.. how does the rest of the song go?  **slurs**"

**continues singing** "Manger baaaaaaabieeeeees are gay like youuuuuuuuu!"

Parent in background: "Hey c'mon, what the hell kind of Christian puppet show is this?!"

Luanne still singing: "Mannnngerrrr Babies are here to save and change your waaaaaaaaaayssssss!"

Kid: "oh come on!"

Luanne: **loses balance** "Slissssss, Gawd I'm so drunk right now!"

Pastor: "what in holy hell...."

Luanne: "they run around, and they poop on the ground, saaaaaaaah!  **shouts** Mangerrrrrrrr babi-EEEEEES!!!"

Luanne: "I shove myyyyy hand up the sock puppet's asssssssss while I brainwash your bratty chilllllllldrennnnnnnn"

Parent in background: "Somebody call the police!"

Luanne to the children: "You know what, I liiiiiiiiike to partyyyyyyy!"

Kid: "is this the show?"

Luanne shouts towards: "You shut up your frickin' pie hole up!  Little piece of shit!" **goes back to singing** "La laaaaa, Manger Babies rule and walk on waaaaaaaaterrrrrrrrr."

Parent in background: "Get off the stage, you slut!"

Luanne: "Manger babieeeeeeeees are slutsssssss and like to trash the ssssta....sta.....stage!  Now lissssstennnn to the words, come to the **burp** churrrrchsssss.....and give them all your money 'cause that'ssss what they do!!  They ssssta-steeealll from youuuuu.....they steal from youuuuuu!  Ma....ma-kin' you livin' life in fear 'cause they want to steal from youuuuuuuuuuuu!!!  **burrrrrrrrrp!** Baw-hahahahaha!! **drunken giggles**  **shouts** MANGER BABIES FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!"
