The Purification Diet: an in-depth report

What is a purification diet?  It's a diet that is aimed to cutting down on unhealthy foods, to purify the body from crappy food & its chemicals, to become skinny, and to promote an at least semi-monthly active lifestyle.   Discipline, is also a very important part of the purification diet.  The purification diet strives on limiting choices, setting up rules & boundaries, moderation & cutting back, and instigating strict & relentless discipline.  Low food bill costs are also a benefit of the purification diet.  If you don't have discipline, then you don't have the guts to do a purification diet.  Another important aspect, is to never, ever stuff yourself / overeat.  When it comes to fast food, get it rarely & usually order as little as possible, and to never get fries or soda (unless it's necessary).  Eating healthier is also another benefit of this.

Each person on a purification diet sets goals that fits their needs.  But, a purification diet also has exceptions and some basic guidelines.

Meat. While most meat isn't banned, my ban includes all kinds of sausages & hot dogs.  Also huge emphasis on lean meat, including cutting off all fat.  Bacon is to be avoided as much as possible.  Pepperoni, the grease is to be blotted off with a napkin or paper towel.  Fried chicken with skin is to be avoided, especially that 3,000 calorie KFC bucket.  But fried chicken without skin is allowed.

Dairy. Whole Milk is not preferred, nor to be consumed in large quantities if possible, because there has been a notion that milk is nothing more than liquid fat.  Plus milk is a huge phlegm producer, and that's never good.  Ice cream is banned.  Butter is banned.

Bread. Bread is high in carbs.  Bread & rolls are not to be consumed in excess or entirely.

Candy. It doesn't take a rocket science to tell you all candy is junk food.  These stupid sugar sweets are all banned, and especially the high fat / high saturated fat of chocolate.   Chocolate is nothing more than lard.

Pastries. Gone are the days of apple pie and rubber fly.  Gone are the days of clich� after-dinner cake & ice cream.  Gone are the days of sitting down with a package of cookies and a cold gallon of milk.  Donuts: banned.  Nothing like a Dunkin Donuts commercial, acting like deep fried donuts are a part of a healthy & active lifestyle.  Cookies too are banned.

Soda: no more than one can a day.  Sugar drinks are also banned. 

Peanut Butter: to be used sparsely.  PB is very high in fat, but acceptable once in a while.

Fried foods: Onion rings are banned.  French Fries are to be consumed as little as possible.  Frozen baked or froze fried foods oven cooked are to be put on paper towels to absorb grease. 

Snacks: which include chips & crackers, obviously to be consumed as little as possible. 

The Blue Moon exceptions:

Bacon cheeseburger
Pastry made especially for me

These are rare exceptions.  Things will be added to both lists, but this is a reminder for me.